Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
It is NOT me who is leaving for Peru in 11 days and hasn't even begun to pack, think about packing or really contemplate packing...I would NEVER procrastinate about my first international trip ever...no way...no how.
It is NOT me who, while getting the kids down from the lunch table, go, in a rare by myself moment, to the restroom to find that one of the kids, most likely my mischievous 2 year old had gotten soap all over counter, removed the decorative items from the back of the commode and put my hand towel in the bath tub at some point this morning and I never realized he was gone...sheesh...you'd think it was Monday or something and surely no 2 year old should ever be unsupervised, right?
I was definitely NOT me that just ate two waffles from the freezor (heated in the toaster, not frozen at least) because I was too lazy to make lunch for myself. I would most certainly eat better, knowing I'm going to traveling in 11 days and getting married in a few weeks and want to look and feel my best.
It is NOT me that realized, when looking for fall decorations to put out THIS year, that I never actually took them downstairs from LAST year and that they were in the corner of my bedroom with a tub of Christmas decorations on top of them that I never put away either..I mean seriously? Who does that? *ahem* certainly not me
It is for sure NOT me that realized that the list of things I needed to do before the wedding that I mentioned in my LAST "not me" post has since been misplaced and surely not had any items completed, I mean it's only like 12 weeks til the big...not like it's coming up soon or anything...