In an effort to admit (and remind myself) that I am indeed not perfect and that I *gasp* sometimes say and do things that are not rational, "normal" or should be repeated, but hey...whaddya gonna do? I am linking up with MckMama for her return of the Not Me Monday post.....
I did NOT stay out AGAIN til 1am last night "saying goodbye" to my new fiance when I should've been in bed since my day starts at 6am and it's a hour drive home
I did NOT just realize this morning that in the next 14 weeks, I will be going on my first mission trip ever to another country, getting married for the second time, living with someone for the first time in MANY years and start my "to do" list for the things I want to complete before I get married...I'm tired just thinking about it and certainly wouldn't procrastinate until it's panic time to get everything, not me!
I did NOT scream, use my outside voice or otherwise inappropriate tone to gently remind my two year old that we don't play cars in the commode...I mean seriously...who should be watching this kid?!?!? I am a professional child care provider for crying out loud...
I did NOT put off Wal-Mart shopping this weekend in lieu of one more day to eat out the fridge and pantry so that I could spend a little bit more
I did NOT just sit down to finish this post and tell the kids, give Nannie ONE more minute to post this...NOT ME!!!
I did NOT just say to my 3 year old boy, "no I really don't think it would be funny if someone pooped on my head" I mean, really, who utters such words in their everyday life!
I totally did NOT forget to link back to MckMama's blog as the directions said...sheesh...certainly not ME!
URGH! I did NOT go back to reread the directions and realize that I had not copied and pasted the correct information to link up to MckMama's site...sheesh...maybe I should quit while I am third time's the charm!
:) So glad these are back! Smiling on a Monday is a good thing!