In September, I officially stepped down as Nannie. But not really. I am watching my niece Josie four days a week. It's not the same, though. I miss my kids, like a LOT. I hate that I don't get to see them growing up and learning and changing and developing their personalities. I am not sure what I thought the other side of being the Nannie, but I really thought I would get to see them more, somehow. But I don't. And that has to be okay, but it's just the way things are. I think what I miss the most are the lazy moments, sitting on the sofa and just having them piled up all around me, hearing them laugh and be silly, even aggravating each other. I miss the twinkle in their eyes when they figure something out for the first time or when I finally give in and pick up one of the younger ones just because they smiled so sweetly at me in the most rotten of ways. I even might miss the routine...feeding them breakfast, taking them to preschool, picking them up afterwards and then nap times and the sweetest snuggles when I wake them up to pick up the afterschoolers. I have new chapters in my life to write, but the one I left in September will forever be a part of me. I can't imagine my life without knowing each and every one of the kids that I cared for. Here is a picture of part of my sweet group at my going away party....little pieces of my heart in every one of them.
Life these days is considerably slower paced in many ways. I am enjoying making our house in our home while moving every so painstakingly slow out of my house in NC. I am enjoying being a stay at home wife, getting involved at our church down here and slowly making some new friends while doing my best to stay as connected as I can with my lifelong friends in NC. I miss my sister, my second mom Susan and my dearest friend Lennie and all the times I took for granted that I would see them face to face many times in a week and not realize how different it would feel when that takes a 50 minute or more drive. Sure they are a phone call away, and often I went days and sometimes longer without seeing them, but knowing they were just a few minutes away was somehow comforting. Navigating new territory outside of "my bubble" has been interesting, but I am being blessed by new friends and hugged and loved on by some wonderful sisters in Christ at our church as well as getting to spend time with my new inlaws who have been precious family friends for as long as I can remember.
I am going to slowly begin transitioning my blog, removing and adding tabs and things like that...and I honestly don't know if anyone every happens by here...I've also considered changing to Word Press because I have heard some great things about it. All in due time...
Blessings to all who have passed by here...make a difference in your area of the world today.
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