Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Frustrations (with a Dash of Thankfulness)

Good afternoon everyone!

I have fallen a bit off the blogging wagon and I'm not sorry. Is that wrong?  I'm not sure.  I've been busy, working a part time Nannie job and working on my childhood home to name a few things that have taken priority.  I have had to buckle down and just push through tired afternoons, late evenings and long to do lists with unchecked off items.  If I kicked myself for getting behind, it would only further fuel my frustration of things not completed in my life, and I'm simply not going to go there.  I'll try to get back to it soon, but I make no promises.  How's that for non commitment!?!

I have had to buckle down and commit to 9pm bedtimes to get up at 5am to walk with my husband because I really need sleep.  Events happen and weekends I tend to get off schedule, but during the week, I do my best to get in bed by 9 so that I can get settled down and fall asleep and wake up rested.  It's really better for everyone in my life.  Especially my sweet husband.  I am so thankful for his patience, his willingness to overlook the cluttered bar, the bathroom floor that needs mopping and dog hair seemingly everywhere.  I really couldn't be more blessed to call him mine and I try to say "thank you" for loving me unconditionally every time I think of it...which is probably still not often enough. 

This next week our ladies' Bible study ministry comes back into session and I'm pretty excited about seeing the girls and getting back into that routine, but it also causes me to lose a day to do other things and that's a bit stressful.  I will have to make sure my time is productive when I have it and be serious about using it wisely.  In another couple of weeks, our growth group will resume meeting in our home, and I've missed catching up with them and knowing what's up in their lives.  While it's another commitment, it's easily one of my favorites.

Next weekend is the celebration of my inlaws 50th wedding anniversary.  My 2 sisters in law and I have been working together to do the decorations, cake and food (which will be catered - SO thankful for that!)  It has confirmed what I already knew in that I am a control freak and really just prefer to do things by myself.  But this is not about me - so I'm doing my best to play nicely with others, but I'll be honest, some days I just wanna scream!  We have 80 RSVPs for the event so that's a great turnout for celebrating some great folks and I hope all the bits and pieces come together for a great party!

I hope everyone enjoys a great weekend, I'm headed to a ladies' event with my sister and some hometown friends and then home to work on centerpieces and cake topper for the party.  See y'all on Monday!


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