So Monday is here - and it's a doozy right off the bat! We started off our morning about 4:45am to hit the track at the school to do our walk- however, when my husband came out of the bathroom, he had realized we had no water. We have a well and it could have been several things, but as I type this, we are waiting for the plumber, following attempting to change the switch on the pump and finding out that was indeed not the problem. So I went and purchased some jug water and we will survive until it's repaired. Remembering 1 Thessalonians 5:18 all day today - In EVERYTHING give thanks - yep, even broken well pumps.

My little garden is still trucking along and I was able to put up some pickles, salsa and make several more loaves of zucchini bread this weekend. It's really amazing to watch tiny seeds grow into monstrous plants and produce SO many veggies. I shredded and froze about 8 cups of zucchini and 2 cups of patty pan squash for use in the fall and winter for breads and baking. I think my favorite thing about canning this weekend was the opportunity to use my mom's big canning pot to do it - memories of her using it to put up beans, tomatoes and corn made me smile. Who knew those memories would one day be important?
These two cuties start college this month and I just can't believe it. I swear they were in pull ups like yesterday. Seriously! I pray their college experience is awesome and that they will make good decisions in all that they do. Nannie will always be proud of them no matter what, and I can't wait to see how God uses them in this big world.

Despite living in a lake community, I have only been on the lake on the day we got married when we took a pontoon boat to a small island with only close friends and family to say our vows. Yesterday, however, my sweet friend Elizabeth and her hubby asked us if we would like to join them for an evening boat ride. We were thrilled and had a blast - perfect weather, four silly kids and a quiet day on the lake - SCORE!
The plumber hasn't arrived yet, so I'm off to do some chores and work on some craft projects for my in law's 50th anniversary party. Have a great Monday everyone!
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