Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dream Job

What is my dream job and why?

I would have to do a mash up choice here. I would like to be a stay at home mom who makes cute crafty scrapbooks and home decor items to sell on Etsy all while being a "part time" student studying culinary arts, gardening and foreign languages including french, spanish, italian and whatever language they speak in Kenya so that I can be in the mission field in my spare time.

Well,'s my blog. So I can pick any dream job I want, right? So there it is. In a perfect world, where I had unlimited resources and time...that's what I would choose.

Why? Well my dream is to be a mom. That's no secret. And if I could only pick one thing, that would be it. I long to hold my child in arms and that would top the list of dreams in any category.  I love to craft, garden and cook and would love to travel to other countries and spend time immersed in new cultures and be able to communicate in their native language. I would love to return to the mission field and be able to share God's love without using an interpreter. I loved Omar and he was a lifesaver my first trip, but I would have LOVED to speak to those precious children in their native tongue.

What a fun post to think about! Have a great day!


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