Monday, January 5, 2015 Tell us about your worst habit?
Well, this is a fun Monday morning post!?! Call yourself out for your worst habit...yay! I have plenty of bad habits. I used to bite/peel my fingernails, and to be honest in times of great stress, I find myself picking at them even in my forties! I leave shoes all over the house, kicking them off wherever the mood hits me, and it even drives me crazy, but I still do it. But I guess those aren't really that big of a deal. I am going to go out on a limb and say my WORST habit is lack of motivation. Is that even a habit? I'm not sure, but it's my blog and I'm am going to go with that. Laziness might be another word to describe it, but that word doesn't ring quite true because while I have lazy days like many do, I have many productive days as well. I would say being AND staying motivated is an area I truly struggle with. After working from home for nearly 18 years with a home daycare and chaos from basically 6:30am to 6:00pm - I spent many evenings overwhelmed with all that had to be done and one tired woman trying to get it done. I think some of the bad habits started with undiagnosed depression after my parents passed in 1996 and I was simply trying to keep my sister and I afloat. I was simply SO overwhelemed and then rolled all of that into a bad marriage and trying to finish college and it was just too much for my brain. I don't want to make excuses, because I really do hate excuses, however, I think I have this underlying feeling of if it can't be perfect, I don't even want to try and then the cycle begins again. I want to have the motivation to just get it done, and many days I do. But there are many day that I just fall short of hours and a little bit o' gumption to finish my to do list. I am trying to be more task minded and not try to do the whole house, or scrapbooking project or yard work renovation in one day - rather breaking it down in tasks I can complete and have the satisfaction to check something off the list. So here's to 2015 and checking the small things off the list in hopes of seeing big results in the end.
Blessings to you from SC,