Thursday, January 1, 2015


NaBloPoMo January 2015
Thursday, January 1, 2015
What are your resolutions for the new year?  Tell us how you picked them.

Resolutions perplex me somewhat...every year, bazillions are made and bazillions are broken, but we do them anyway, right?  Kind of like that Monday morning plan to "eat right starting THIS week" or "work out EVERY day this week"...and by Tuesday we are like nah - I'm not feeling it :)  But I have committed to this blog challenge and have a few resolutions I'd like to try to commit to. If it's written in italics does it count?  I'm not sure, but here goes! 
  1. Blog more - hence the google search and finding the NaBloPoMo challenge!
  2. Healthier lifestyle - we are going to try IVF one more time this year, or we think that's the plan, before I turn 42 in November (my doctor's cutoff age) and I'd like to slim down and walk more, providing for a healthy pregnancy as much as I can.  I won't promise any Biggest Loser results, but 50 pounds would be awesome.  We shall see.
  3. Get my childhood home ready to be put on the market.  It's the year it has to get done.  No more stress over property taxes and cleaning out the mess and mowing the grass and checking the's just gotta get done.
  4. Add new items to my Etsy shop SmallTownGirlDesign at least twice a month.  I am planning a crafting day every other week to get items made to list, and hope I'll be able to squeeze more days in as the year goes on!  But twice a month is my start goal.  I'd love to do once a week, but that may be ambitious in January, so I'm keeping it realistic.
  5. Bible study and journal regularly - I start off with a plan, but fall off quickly.  I have built this time into my schedule for the new year.  I don't promise daily, but I'm hoping for a few times a week!
I am going to stop at 5.  I probably have more I'll try to do.  But that's a nice round number and it's doable.  Happy New Year to your families from Lake Wylie, SC.  May God bless you all richly!

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