Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday Memos

Good Morning Morning Blogland!

This weekend was a blur for me and I'm feeling the after affects this morning for sure, even with a cup of coffee almost finished - whew!

My inlaws celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this past Saturday and we (their children and spouses) hosted a party in their honor with about 80 friends and family and it went quite well if I do say so myself! Here's the happy couple posing with their photo from 50 years ago!  I love this!  The guest list included friends of 50 years, church friends from multiple churches throughout their lives and family, some that traveled a couple of hours to join us.  The fun thing was that because I married into a family that I grew up with way back in the day, I got to see some familiar faces that I haven't seen in more than 20 years.  I didn't remember all of them, but to hear them speak of my parents warmed my heart - I miss them every single day.  It's a blessing to know that people have such fond memories of them and that because of what God did in bringing RC and I together, the circle is still unbroken long after my parents left this earthly world and I am so very thankful for that.

50 years is quite an accomplishment and while I know it's not likely that RC and I will see that milestone since we got married so late in life, it's a great testimony of faith, perseverance and love that couples like my inlaws stay married so long, and even seem to enjoy each other's company still after all this time.  We live in a disposable society in 2015 and it's wonderful to be witness to what God has done in their marriage over the years and their faithfulness to stick with each other even when there were times that "in good times and bad" I'm certain.  Here's a few more photos of the celebration - I loved their "first dance" - they were so sweet and made me smile to see them smile, laugh and kiss while everyone watched.  And I had to laugh at my mother in law fussing at my father in law not to spin her around because she has vertigo issues and watching him tease her.

We are not a meatless meal today because I didn't plan ahead for it. But for next week, the plan is this recipe I found on Pinterest that looks really yummy!

This is a good Monday morning song, a few years old, but I like it's get up and go for the Lord!

This is a fun song we have done a few times at New River and I think it's great!
Not me Monday thoughts for today - I certainly have NOT consumed Hershey nuggets two days in a row as part of my breakfast.  I am certainly more conscientious about my diet than that and wouldn't consume empty calories first thing in the morning!
I also did not buy a pack of croissants at Target yesterday while shopping for a baby shower gift and consume them on my own over a two day period - I mean they have 18 grams of fat EACH - I would so NOT eat them all myself.  Duh!

I did NOT have a pep talk with my chickens this morning that we are in week 22 of their lives and it's time to get with the program and lay some eggs and let go of the freeloading teenager phase of their lives.  'Cause only crazy chicken ladies do stuff like that and I'm certainly NOT that,  for sure.  Ahem.

I did NOT have a good ol' fashioned hoe down in my living room listening to David Crowder's version of  "I'll Fly Away" from Passion 2013 this morning while uploading the videos to my blog this morning.  My dogs certainly didn't look at me like I'd lost it when I said (out loud) "come on dance with momma" - ha! I'm a perfectly sane 41 year old who would never do such a thing!

Have a great week folks,

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Frustrations (with a Dash of Thankfulness)

Good afternoon everyone!

I have fallen a bit off the blogging wagon and I'm not sorry. Is that wrong?  I'm not sure.  I've been busy, working a part time Nannie job and working on my childhood home to name a few things that have taken priority.  I have had to buckle down and just push through tired afternoons, late evenings and long to do lists with unchecked off items.  If I kicked myself for getting behind, it would only further fuel my frustration of things not completed in my life, and I'm simply not going to go there.  I'll try to get back to it soon, but I make no promises.  How's that for non commitment!?!

I have had to buckle down and commit to 9pm bedtimes to get up at 5am to walk with my husband because I really need sleep.  Events happen and weekends I tend to get off schedule, but during the week, I do my best to get in bed by 9 so that I can get settled down and fall asleep and wake up rested.  It's really better for everyone in my life.  Especially my sweet husband.  I am so thankful for his patience, his willingness to overlook the cluttered bar, the bathroom floor that needs mopping and dog hair seemingly everywhere.  I really couldn't be more blessed to call him mine and I try to say "thank you" for loving me unconditionally every time I think of it...which is probably still not often enough. 

This next week our ladies' Bible study ministry comes back into session and I'm pretty excited about seeing the girls and getting back into that routine, but it also causes me to lose a day to do other things and that's a bit stressful.  I will have to make sure my time is productive when I have it and be serious about using it wisely.  In another couple of weeks, our growth group will resume meeting in our home, and I've missed catching up with them and knowing what's up in their lives.  While it's another commitment, it's easily one of my favorites.

Next weekend is the celebration of my inlaws 50th wedding anniversary.  My 2 sisters in law and I have been working together to do the decorations, cake and food (which will be catered - SO thankful for that!)  It has confirmed what I already knew in that I am a control freak and really just prefer to do things by myself.  But this is not about me - so I'm doing my best to play nicely with others, but I'll be honest, some days I just wanna scream!  We have 80 RSVPs for the event so that's a great turnout for celebrating some great folks and I hope all the bits and pieces come together for a great party!

I hope everyone enjoys a great weekend, I'm headed to a ladies' event with my sister and some hometown friends and then home to work on centerpieces and cake topper for the party.  See y'all on Monday!


Monday, August 17, 2015


So Monday is here - and it's a doozy right off the bat! We started off our morning about 4:45am to hit the track at the school to do our walk- however, when my husband came out of the bathroom, he had realized we had no water.  We have a well and it could have been several things, but as I type this, we are waiting for the plumber, following attempting to change the switch on the pump and finding out that was indeed not the problem.  So I went and purchased some jug water and we will survive until it's repaired.  Remembering 1 Thessalonians 5:18 all day today - In EVERYTHING give thanks - yep, even broken well pumps.
My little garden is still trucking along and I was able to put up some pickles, salsa and make several more loaves of zucchini bread this weekend.  It's really amazing to watch tiny seeds grow into monstrous plants and produce SO many veggies.  I shredded and froze about 8 cups of zucchini and 2 cups of patty pan squash for use in the fall and winter for breads and baking.  I think my favorite thing about canning this weekend was the opportunity to use my mom's big canning pot to do it - memories of her using it to put up beans, tomatoes and corn made me smile.  Who knew those memories would one day be important?

These two cuties start college this month and I just can't believe it.  I swear they were in pull ups like yesterday. Seriously!  I pray their college experience is awesome and that they will make good decisions in all that they do. Nannie will always be proud of them no matter what, and I can't wait to see how God uses them in this big world.
Despite living in a lake community, I have only been on the  lake on the day we got married when we took a pontoon boat to a small island with only close friends and family to say our vows.  Yesterday, however, my sweet friend Elizabeth and her hubby asked us if we would like to join them for an evening boat ride.  We were thrilled and had a blast - perfect weather, four silly kids and a quiet day on the  lake - SCORE!

The plumber hasn't arrived yet, so I'm off to do some chores and work on some craft projects for my in law's 50th anniversary party. Have a great Monday everyone!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ten Tuesday Thoughts

Hi everyone!  Happy Tuesday to you wherever you are!  Here's some thoughts from a little town in SC this Tuesday morning!

1.  I took an unintended hiatus from blogging because life was just too busy and I didn't have any blog posts planned out to execute quickly last week.  I am trying to get back on schedule this week.

2.  Speaking of busy life...I don't know about you, but some days I look up and it's 3pm and I think what the heck have I done all day?  I have these to do lists and some of them feel like I wrote them back in 1987 because it's taking me so long to get them done.

3.  I have had some random swelling in my left ankle for 3 days and thankfully today it's looking better, though still not 100%,  but I still haven't figured out what triggered it.  No soft drinks, salt intake about the same, drinking water except for some sweet tea Saturday at my scrapbooking day.  I, of course, set off to Google about what causes swelling - geez - why do I do that to myself? I am just monitoring my intake of water, steering clear of any soft drinks and hoping it was a fluke and not any of the things I read about. Once again, Google is NOT my friend.

4.  My husband is sitting at the tire shop with my car as I type this and just messaged me that I need 4 tires instead of two.  Two weeks paycheck for childcare gone.  Poof.  Oh well, I guess that's why I'm doing it, to help offset the budget.  But $140 each for tires hurts my feelings, and my wallet.  Bummer.  The mechanic said my right tires were the worst and it looked like I had been driving on a racetrack.  Nope, just 485.

5.  My Etsy shop has been doing great these past few weeks - and it seems to come in spells.  I just sent an order to Pennsylvania and got one yesterday to send to New Mexico.  Pretty neat!  Haven't checked it out yet?  Here's the link if you'd like to - SmallTownGirlDesign

6.  My inlaws are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at the end of this month and we are throwing them a party - so planning and prepping is well under way.  I am making some super cute centerpieces, I hope they'll be cute anyway, with paper flowers in the jewel tones we are using for decorations.  I'll be sure to post pictures after the event.

7.  STILL on Operation Egg Watch at the coop 'round here.  I told my husband last night that I think we got chickens that don't lay eggs.  Ha!  I'm just being impatient I know, but dang, hurry up already!

8.  I'm having supper this week with two of my Nannie's kids headed to college on Friday - how is that even possible - I swear they were just starting kindergarten last week!  So proud of them as they go off to school, but I hate to see them grow is flying by too, too fast!

9.  I have learned that I'm decidedly out of the loop when it comes to fancy smancy clothing stores that the cool kids (and adults) are into these days.  On two occasions this week, I've seen Instagram posts about oh I love these clothes from this store, and oh we had a party themed from that store.  I honestly had NEVER heard of either.  I am not sure if I'm living under a rock with my chickens or if that's just so far out of my budgetary realm that I'd never know it anyway. 

10.  I am on Day 11 of the Minimalist Game and it's getting a little tougher I'll be honest, not because of not having things to get rid of, I have plenty, but making time each day to get rid of stuff.  I worked ahead a bit yesterday because I knew today was going to be busy and I have to watch children the next 3 days.  If you haven't read about the declutter your life plan - you can do it here

That's it for today everyone!  Have a great day!  Be strong and courageous!


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Ten Tuesday Thoughts

Happy Tuesday Morning Folks!  Here's a few, well 10 to be exact, thoughts rolling around in my head today!

1.  My husband and I got up to walk at 4:50am today.  I think I'd rather be fat than ever see 4am. But we are going to try again to get back in a routine - walking in the evenings is not our friend, there are too many distractions and other things that come up.  At 4:50am - I promise there is nothing else on my to do list - except sleep of course.

2.  We recently found out that the Hallmark Channel and the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries Channel had been added to our U Verse package and I am super pumped.  I have been wanting to watch the Cedar Coves series, now I need to find a way to go back and watch the older ones!

3.  We are STILL waiting for eggs at the Cope Coop!  No submissive squatting (which indicates to the rooster that they are ready for baby making and is supposedly the last thing that happens before laying begins) but their combs are getting redder and they are checking out the nesting boxes, so I hope it will be soon!  I am quite impatient!

4.  I have been doing the Minimalist Game this month, where you trash, donate, recycle or otherwise dispose of the number of items corresponding with the date.  You can read about it here and follow along if you like.  Use the hashtag #MinsGameAug2015 if you'd like to follow along with us or #minsgame to connect with those from the original website. It's been pretty easy so far, but thinking ahead to the days where I have to get rid of 10 plus items every day - that's a bit daunting!  We'll see how I do!

5. I am going to attempt making pickles for the first time without my momma today.  I actually cheated and bought a mix because the ingredients were a little daunting.  I don't even like dill pickles, but we'll see how the hubby likes them.  I'll be canning some green beans as well while I've got the processing bath going.  Here's to fresh veggies this winter!
6.  I have a ladies bible study leader meeting today, which means summer is drawing to a close.  We officially get started back on August 25th and my group that I'm co-leading is doing The Holiness of God by RC Sproul.  I've never heard of it before, so I'm excited to get started with it, even if it means summer vacation is over!

7.  I am still toying with the idea of a fall garden.  I've never planted one before - so I need to do a bit more research and get some seeds ASAP if that's the plan.  I know many people plant fall veggies and herbs - just haven't ever tried.

8.  I would love to take a sewing class and a sign language class over the winter.  I have looked into both, but with my schedule it's been impossible.  I know the sewing basics, but not enough to make any clothes or sew anything intricate for my Etsy shop.  I've always been fascinated with sign language and did learn a little bit to use in my home daycare, but I'd like to be more conversational with it if possible.

9.  I have a random lingering headache that is driving me batty.  It's sometimes "sinusy" feeling behind my eyes, but sometimes at the base of my neck running up and down almost like a crick.  I haven't googled because when I do a hang nail turns into a stage four inoperable tumor and I don't have time for that kinda stress this week.

10.  I have a scrapbooking customer whose husband just took a pastor position in Alaska.  I freaked out a little about moving one state down.  She literally went from NC to Alaska.  I can't wait to follow along with their new life via Faceook.  Crazy times!

Until Next Time,

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday Memos

Good Monday morning everyone!  I don't know about you, but July kinda kicked my butt (even being on vacation for 2 weeks!) and August is looking pretty stinking busy too!  2015 is FLYING by, it'll be the holidays before we know it!

The weekend around here was full of gardening, chicken cooping, parties and a full day of church activities.  Our garden is still doing great, the corn is the only thing we haven't been able to enjoy yet, and I'm not sure if it will actually produce anything, but there are plenty of baby corn cobs growing and I hope they make it!  We're still on Operation First Egg Watch at Cope's Chicken Coop.  The girls have been going into the boxes at least a little to check them out because the golf balls I put there have been moved around and the pine shavings have been rearranged.  I'm not being very patient for that first egg! 

One thing the weekend didn't lack was yummy food!  Friday night I made this casserole with fresh squash and zucchini from the garden and it's a keeper for sure.  My husband loves casseroles and stuffing - so this one was a hit before he even tried it.

Saturday morning I made more zucchini bread and tried this recipe for lemon zucchini bread.  It was good, but definitely needs the glaze or more lemon zest/juice in the mix for a bit of a flavor boost.  With the glaze it's delicious!


Sunday after church we hit up the local Asian bistro for their lunch special.  It's $7.25 for your choice of entrĂ©e and rice, sweet carrots and your choice of sushi or egg/spring roll.  I had the California roll and RC had a cucumber roll.  Very good and lots of food for the price!

Sunday evening was make your own pizza night with fresh veggies from the garden - I loved it!  These crust come in a pack of 3 at WalMart for $2.50 and they worked perfectly!

For Meatless Monday - I'm going to use these patty pan squash on the grill as a "steak" if you will and serve with fresh zucchini and yellow squash on the grill as well.  We may even toss a few green beans on there and see how they turn out!
I've shared this song on Monday music before, but we sang it again yesterday at church - and while it's a stretch for my normal "praise music" I really, really like it! 

This is a new one we sang yesterday and it's great - I love learning new songs and we have such talented musicians at New River - and the cutest bass player ever, however I may be slightly biased :)
Finally a few not me Monday thoughts for your enjoyment...
While free ranging my chickens on Saturday, I didn't stand with the girls at my feet yelling at the top of lungs at the hawks trying to swoop down while my husband set up the playpen for them.  I have more couth than that and would never holler at random wild birds - nope, not me.
I certainly didn't make a video of myself trying to get all of the chickens out of the run to free range only to play it back and think, oh geez, do I really sound like that?!?!  I certainly didn't play it for my sister and one of her friends Saturday and she told me never to play it again.  Nope, not this girl.
I obviously didn't forget to check my husband's closet to make sure he had pants to wear to church all day yesterday playing four services and realize at 6am that he was wearing jeans that were quite snug and would have to endure uncomfortableness because of me all day.  Surely I would never do that, right?  So thankful for a gracious husband who forgives me when I am not quite with the program.
That's all for this Monday folks.  Have a great day everyone!
From hot and sunny SC,