Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday - Remembering September 11th

As I scroll through my news feed on Facebook, look at Instagram or Twitter today, there's no way that you can't know what today is.  I remember where I was when the first plane hit.  In the car taking my daycare kids to preschool.  I heard it on the radio, proceeded to drop the kids off, almost in disbelief and not really sure what I was hearing or what it meant.  I went home and turned on the television just as the second plane hit the other tower and remember gasping thinking this can't be happening, and could it have been on purpose?  Obviously we found out it was and still today we are haunted with the images of the aftermath, the gruesome reminders that loved ones will never come home and many lives are forever changed.

I was a different person then.  I was married on September 11, 1999 to a firefighter.  By 2001 we were not happily married due to many circumstances and ended up divorcing a while later.  But I distinctly remember thinking - those wives and husbands sent their spouses to work that day as I did many times knowing that they had dangerous jobs, but they "would" come home again safe and sound.  But so many didn't.  They died doing what they loved and would probably do it again if they had the chance.  It's what they did.  There is a mentality that one has in emergency services and it's not just a job - it's their life.  My ex-husband is still a fireman today, but is a battalion chief who doesn't man a hose or drive a truck anymore, but I'm pretty sure that faced with the decision to save a life, he'd get his white shirt dirty in a heartbeat.

Like many I was glued to my tv for days, crying at the images, so sad for those left behind.  Evil comes in many shapes and forms...that day it came as hijackers, trained to die and leave a path of destruction as far and wide as they could.  We are still cleaning up that mess today - it's so sad to see evil's hand at work in the world, and leaders seemingly turning a blind eye to the events like September 11, 2001.

My prayer for today as we remember is, let's pray for the future of America - for the lives of those still here, the lives of our children growing up in a messed up world full of corruption and self centeredness.  As God is being removed by different branches of government more and more, I wonder - how far does it go before we realize that "one nation UNDER God" and "in God we trust"  are more than just words on our currency and in our pledge. 

Hugs and love to all of you reading this - may your lives never be impacted by the hurt and anguish of those families on that fateful September day


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ten Tuesday Thoughts

Happy Tuesday Morning!  It feels like a Monday to me already after having my husband home yesterday, but we are up and rolling, so let's do this day!

1 - My chickens are still not laying eggs and I may have to join a support group for impatient chicken's making me a bit crazy and no amount of sweet talk, meal worms or dried oats is coaxing them into the nesting boxes. 

2 - My garden has all but quit producing except for peppers and tomatoes and a large amount of jalapenos that I need to figure out something to make using them.  I have broccoli to put in the ground and may try my hand at fall beans if it's not too late.

3 - Our ladies' Bible study starts book discussion today and we are doing "The Holiness of God" by RC Sproul in my group.  I've never read it before, but my husband has, which almost guarantees that it's a bit over my head theologically, but I am excited to delve into it with my fellow group members.  Here's the link if you're interested in checking it out -

4 -  Today I'm tackling my craft room after Bible study - it's taken on a mind of it's own and I can't stand it any longer!  If nothing else gets done but sorting the mess into workable piles, I'll feel a bit better, because right now I don't even want to go in there and even had to set up a table in my living room to complete a couple of recent projects and have room to work.  Considering my craft room is filled with just MY stuff, I need to get it together!

5 - Over the weekend about 280 students, leaders and staff went to Myrtle Beach for their annual student retreat and they baptized 80 folks in the ocean - that number is just awesome, but the fact that even one life was changed as a result of a weekend with their peers getting into God's word, worshipping and having fun on the beach together is worth all of the work that went into the conference.  To God be the glory!!!

6 -  This song has been rolling around in my head for the last couple of days.  We've done it a few times at church, but the words have been sinking down into my heart...give it a listen if you like!
7 - Fall shows are coming back to TV slowly but surely and today Candace Cameron Bure joins the cast of The View today.  I love her and hope the show will take a different path, maybe more middle of the road with her voice being added to the mix.  I just quit watching after many shows of Whoopi, Rosie, Joy and even Meredith who just annoyed me...I've set it to DVR today's show, so we'll see!
8 - I finished my first Carolina Panthers sign last night and it's headed to my Etsy shop today!  If you're not a Panthers fan, that's okay - I can make your team too!  Contact me at SmallTownGirlDesign on Etsy to place a custom order!
9 - Cooler temps are on the way hopefully soon and the closet switchover has to begin as well!  I found this pattern for a 1950's inspired dress that I would love to have this fall, whether I can make it or find one similar to buy...paired with a sweater - how cute is this!?!?  I am a fluffy sized gal, so I may hate it on my body style, but I'd love to try one on!
10 - I posted this on Facebook yesterday, so I think I'll share it here today! 
Today, instead of complaining, airing your dirty laundry on social media or making that snarky phone call or text - take a minute and pray for that person, situation or even for what's going on in your life instead. Even better - send that person a message, text or card encouraging them - be the person in their life that lifts them up, prays for them and sets the example for how to treat each other. It's never okay to make posts with the intention of belittling your spouse, child or Facebook "friend" - encourage your spouse, lift up your child and show grace to friends who need it more than extra fuel to their drama...think before you post seeking attention or getting back at someone. Let's put Ephesians 4 to work in our lives and love on those around us this week!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Monday Memos

Good Monday morning and Happy Labor Day!  I hope you are at home enjoying the holiday with your family and not headed off to work today!  Which is kinda ironic isn't - celebrating Labor Day with a day off?  I haven't had enough coffee to debate that this morning, but I'll enjoy having my hubby home today for sure!

We had a busy Saturday this weekend with me headed off to an early softball tournament with one of my Nannie kids and then an afternoon funeral for the wife of my first pastor from long ago and hanging out with my inlaws a bit.  Here is Karcen doing her thing on the ball field - she is quite the athlete and I'm so glad I finally got to see her play!


The interesting thing about marrying a man you knew as a child and your inlaws being family friends from waaaay back in the day - is things kinda come full circle at events like anniversary parties and funerals.  My parents have been gone almost 20 years, but for the last 2 weekends, I've been surrounded by their friends from 30 plus years ago and it's really quite neat.  There was even a picture of my mom on the slideshow of pictures at the funeral I attended - an unexpected blessing.  I have hugged the necks of folks I haven't seen in decades and reminisced about the good ol' days and it's just good for my heart.  I am more blessed than I can say with the opportunity to still come across families that knew my parents, loved them and are happy to share a memory of them that will forever be dear to me!

I don't have a Meatless Monday meal planned for today, because quite frankly, I don't have anything planned for supper and I'm kinda hoping my hubby is going to take me out tonight!

Here's Monday's Music from Hillsong - "I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground"  - that's just good stuff right there.
And finally Not Me Monday musings for you...
I haven't had to bite my tongue and not respond to about a dozen Facebook posts this week that simply aren't my business but I seriously want to say "seriously?!?!?!" Nope, Not Me!  I don't have a sore on my tongue from making sure I don't make inappropriate responses, Nope, Not Me!
I haven't had a cold for almost a week with a dang cough that is making me nuts and almost causing me to bring a change of clothes with me everywhere for fear of wetting my pants in a coughing fit - No, that hasn't happened to me and I certainly wouldn't blog about it! Nope, Not me!
I haven't spent time in my chicken coop talking to my flock of six about getting the egg laying starting, because why would I do such a thing?  That's certainly not a sane thing to do and surely won't make any difference at all and would cause others in my life to say "umm, honey, do you need to see someone about that?"  Nope, not this chicken mama!
There is no way I have broccoli, beans and herbs to plant for fall crops that are slowly but surely wasting away because I haven't had time to get them in the ground...actually I've had time, but this dang cold has had me up all night, grumpy and just not in the mood for anything.  But I wouldn't waste money like that, nope not me!
I certainly didn't get up in the middle of the night over the weekend and realize the power was out and tiptoe around my house waiting for some kind of home invasion to happen thinking things like "I wonder if the bad guys cut our power and are hiding the shadows waiting to get me" and "what is that noise/shadow over there and how can I protect myself"  I don't watch tv shows and movies that put crazy thoughts in my head or have an overactive imagination about stuff like that and for sure wouldn't admit that on my blog, causing concern of folks passing by here of whether I should be taking medication for that kind of stuff...nope, certainly not me. 
Have a great Monday everyone!