But I loved every single minute, okay maybe not the loading and unloading part, but the actual having fun part! The weather was great, the cabin was awesome and the food was delicious!
The picture to the left was on the road up to the cabin...I have always loved to take pictures of winding roads and of course add beautiful fall color to it...and it's just too cool! I like this picture because it reminds me about where my life is right now...I can see the road clear as day, it's well formed and uncluttered, but at some point, I can't see around the bend...I have to trust that the road on the other side of what I can see is just as clear. I have to have faith that there isn't a cliff that I am going to fall off or roll down. Only God can guide me when I'm unsure. I know this...He loves me THAT much. That's not to say that I'll never make a wrong turn or miss a road and have to do a big ol' U turn. But God's grace and mercy will surround me down the path, no matter how twisty or turny it is.

I've been thinking about my blog lately and what to share, and what crosses the line into over-sharing. I am trying to get into the habit of online journaling, but I think I'm overthinking things ~ go figure that?!? But I do know that God's at work in my life. Enough said.
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