Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thank You...

This past Sunday I went to NRCC with RC and the pastor shared about being grateful, saying thank you and meaning it!  Click here and select "2 Words that Can Change Everything" to hear the sermon yourself.  You'll be blessed for sure!

From Arthur's sermon...5 Gratitude Observations:
  1. True gratitude is seen and heard
  2. Gratitude prolongs joy and blessing in your life
  3. Gratitude begins where my sense of entitlement ends
  4. Grateful people can find a blessing, enlarge a blessing or create a blessing in any situation
  5. Gratitude will make you magnetic for the favor of God to follow your life.
I think the thing that stuck with me most was his statement that "Unexpressed gratitude is a lost opportunity to praise God"...It got me thinking about how many times have I missed that opportunity...not only missing a chance to praise the Lord, but also I could've blessed someone in my life in the process as well by taking time to share a heartfelt thank you.  I remember when I was younger, my dad used to drive me crazy saying "praise the Lord" for EVERYTHING.  Even when his car got stolen from his office...when he walked out the door and realized it was gone...he shouted..."praise the Lord, someone took my car"...Now it wasn't because he wanted the car stolen, of course, but rather we are instructed to praise God in ALL situations, in all phases of life, no matter the circumstance.  I always kinda thought he was nuts, but he made such an impact on those around him with that attitude that I still hear people telling me stories about him 15 years after his death. 

I have so much to be thankful for in my life.  and I don't want to be someone who can't find a blessing, has such a bad attitude I can't receive a blessing or can't reach out and bless someone...While my life has hardly gone as I would've thought it would, I have so many people in my life that are a regular blessing in my life and I am going to make sure I let them know that. 

I don't know who wanders by my blog on a regular basis and if you've stumbled here for the first time, welcome!  I thank each and every person who reads this is a great outlet for me to share the blessing in my life!

I leave you with this...Who do YOU need to thank for something they have done for you????  Take time to do that today!

I heard this song at NRCC this weekend as well...It's not necessarily related to this post, but I want to share it anyway, because it was a blessing to me and it just might be what you need to hear today!  Click the link below to hear it!!! Blessings to you! S

Give Me Faith

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