Thursday, January 26, 2012

Month Full of Blessings

It's official.  I've been married a month.  I'm totally, completely, madly head over heels in love with RC.  Like seriously.  I admire him, I am amazed at how smart he is, I feel absolute, unconditional love from him and I think he's just the cutest, sweetest husband. EVER.

Ok, so I'm biased...shouldn't I be?  God has entrusted me with a man who loves Him first, strives to love me as Christ loves the church and who treats me like a princess.  I have never felt so blessed that I can remember.

Life isn't perfect of course.  Living between two houses and his commute is not so much fun.  There are still bills to be paid and never enough money to pay them all.  I feel somewhat in limbo between my home church and RC's church in the transition and that feels weird.  Time is of a premium and I'm not making a dent in my 'to do list' just yet.  You know, the everyday stuff that is life.

One of the things I heard in a sermon last weekend was that I need to be a contributer and not just a consumer in my life.  Now in the context that it was given originally, it pertained to being involved in church and giving of time and energy and resources to help the body of Christ reach out to the unchurched and to be connected with that body of believers on an intimate level.  But it's gotten me thinking about just everything else that takes an effort.  I have to contribute some of my 'down time' a.k.a. tv, facebook, pinterest, just being lazy order to achieve my goals.  I can't 'consume' my whole day with stuff and then expect the work to magically get done.  Time management has always been a struggle for me and when I feel overwhelmed as I do with all that I have in my house to just creates an unproductive environment.

I am praying that 2012 will bring about some changes in that.  I have to buckle down, committing to spend at least a few minutes each day working on a bigger task.  I have the time.  The energy kinda comes and goes and there will ALWAYS be excuses for that 'one more thing I need to do first'.  But I desire to live a simpler life, with less 'stuff' and more time for my sweet husband and the things we enjoy doing together.

Bottom line is this.  I have been blessed with an understanding and patient man who I absolutely adore.  I want to be able to spend unstressful, relaxation time with him without thinking..."oh I should be doing______) So that's my goal...spending a few minutes a day on a task that I know can't be done in one day, but little by little...I'll get there.

Blessings to all who have come by here!
Stephanie :)

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