Thursday, July 30, 2015

August Declutter or Bust

I am linking up again today for a Thinking Out Thursday post with Vanessa and Penny and I'm throwing down a challenge, a dare if you will, for an August Declutter!  Join me if you like in the effort to live life with less stuff - I so desire this in our home!  It's a bit scary to think about how much "stuff" I have for just "having's" sake and it's time to take action!

I saw this challenge over at Half Agony and Half Hope for a Simple August.  I have way too much "stuff" and I know it.  I have to get my "other" house (my childhood home where I lived from 1978 until 2012 with my parents and sister and 30 plus years of "stuff") cleaned out and maybe I need some motivation and accountability!  The idea behind this is pretty simple.  For each corresponding day of the month you trash, donate or recycle the number of items for the date.  Day one you must remove 1 item all the way to day 31 where you must remove THIRTY ONE items.  Yikes!  I can do this!  It's almost 500 items out of my house and it so needs to be done!  Want to join me?  Follow along with me on Instagram (Born2Crop) and use #MinsGameAug2015 so we can see your progress too!

This is the blog that the idea started from - I haven't read it all yet, so I can't speak for how realistic the idea as a whole is, but I do know I want a life with less stuff and more of the important things like time, peace of mind and fun!

Have a great day everyone!  Be bold and courageous!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - Currently I am...

I am linking up again today for a Thinking Out Thursday post with Vanessa and Penny.   Today's edition is a take on a blog post I read a while back of 10 currently I am __________ listing things that were happening at the moment the post was here goes.
Currently I am...
Sitting on the couch at 8:07am in a nightgown that I love that belonged to my mom and typing this post because I didn't do it last night.
Watching the water sprinkler out my window watering the garden and thinking I should have picked the green beans before it came on at 8am
Reading an email from an Etsy custom order customer about her bedspring wreath and replying that it should ship tomorrow if I can find a box for her today.  Visit my Etsy shop here if you'd like one too :)
Listening to my Pekingese Max snore on the floor below my feet.  It's cute, but it'd be cuter if he did it at night instead of barking at who knows what in the yard and waking me up.
Chatting with my husband on Facebook about some water pressure issues with our well pump and trying to decide what we need to check to see if we can it fixed soon.
Flipping through zucchini recipes to use the plethora of jumbo ones left on the vine too long.  Last night I made stuffed boats with sausage and veggies and it was quite good.
Messing with my still sore fever blister adorned lip that is better, but still aggravating as all get out.  I had several blisters pop up on the last day of vacation and probably my worst outbreak ever at once and I am SO ready for them to be gone and to not feel like I should wear a hospital mask when I go out so I don't scare anybody.
Making a mental list of what needs to get done the rest of this week and so far that includes - nesting boxes for my chickens who will start laying soon, finish my vacation laundry, clean up my sunroom that became a landing spot for random items out of my car during vacation packing, a holding spot for things brought home from my other house that I'm cleaning out, and random things that are just cluttering the dining table
Realizing that I still have my "spring" burlap banner on my mantel - seriously?  It's July 23rd.
Noticing that I have so many "tabs" open in my brain at wonder I wander in circles some days - my husband often says he works with one open at a time as many men do - I can't even imagine....
Have a great Thursday everyone!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Why don't you "just"...

If you've been around a while on my blog, you know I've struggled with infertility and undergone many months of treatment only to end up in debt and definitely NOT pregnant. We completed two cycles of stimulating drugs, egg retrieval and the awful waiting game.  In the end we had two embryos that survived the required amount of days, and at our doctor's encouragement due to my age, we had the embryos tested for chromosomal abnormalities that come with older eggs.  We found out that both were "incompatible with life" and almost certainly wouldn't become viable pregnancies or end in early miscarriages.  The day I had to walk into that clinic with legal paperwork to "dispose" of my embryos was a day I wouldn't wish on anyone...I don't have words for how awful it was.

I have several friends who have been or still are in varying stages of building their family, either through infertility treatments or adoption.  We have often commented that we could write a book and what NOT to say to someone undergoing treatments or trying to adopt.  My all time favorite is still - if you just quit worrying about it and just have fun "trying" you'll get pregnant.  Well, here's how I know that's not true.  I had surgery to remove two damaged fallopian tubes and it's medically impossible for me to "just" get pregnant.  And sometimes, even that explanation doesn't quite click.  *sigh*.  Why didn't I "just" think of that.  Be calm, do some yoga, take some deep breaths - who needs fallopian tubes anyway, right?  

Another doozy is why don't you "just" adopt.  Well, let's see.  Adoption isn't any cheaper than IVF when it's all said and done.  There aren't any blue light specials on aisle four for babies that I know of.  Adoption is more than just saying - I want a baby and the stork appears with your request.  If only it were that easy!

With my friend Erica's permission I want to share her recent post There is No "Just" in Adoption because it's everything I think and more.  She recently became a momma to a sweet little guy and I couldn't be happier for them.  I'd love for you to follow along in their story - it's been awesome to watch God work in their lives!

If you're a parent, either through birth or adoption - you understand the joys your children have brought your family.  If you're still praying and longing for a child - know that I "get" that.  I stand alongside you in the wait.  You're not alone and I'll never think well you know if you "just" do this, take that or quit this or that - you'll end up pregnant.  Only God knows the way your life will unfold and His plan is ultimately perfect for you, even if it doesn't seem so at the time.  If you're the friend of someone longing to have a child, don't allow yourself to get caught up in the suggestion game.  I promise you - we've googled, asked our doctors and read it all - love on them, pray for them, listen TO them, cry with them, laugh with them, whatever they need!  We will cherish your friendship if you do!

Have a great Wednesday folks!


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ten Tuesday Thoughts

Yes, I'm late posting again.  I am trying to get caught up, I swear!  Vacation through this ol' gal for a loop.  First world problems, right?

So, without further delay, I give you Ten Tuesday Thoughts.

1.  Fever blisters are from the devil.  Straight from the pits of hell, I swear.  A combination of stressful days, too much such and wonky sunscreen caused an outbreak on Saturday and it has been a bear of a couple of days trying to get a handle on them - today's tip is cooled tea bags actually do provide a little comfort to raw lips.

2.  Coming "back to work"  even as a part time Nannie after 16 days off is no joke.  Not sure if it's my age or the fact that these 3 are challenging from the get go, but this ol' gal was whooped Monday night.  Had it not been for a momentary meltdown over pain in my lips and face, I would have been asleep before 10pm last night.

3.  My chickens have tripled in size since I left for the beach and they are getting ever so close to laying.  However, we have not complete their nesting boxes yet, so I'm hoping they're holding on for a few more days before they start.  Right now we are trying to survive the hot July days with watermelon, cucumbers and blocks of ice in their water, but I won't be sad for the low 90s coming after tomorrow for a few days.

4.  I have four super sized zucchinis that I have to find a use for tomorrow - they were left on the vine WAY too long and are past the regular use size for sure.   I have looked up recipes for zucchini bread, chocolate zucchini cake and zucchini brownies so far.  I'd like to try my sister's Vegetti (an as seen on TV product for making "veggie pasta" and see how we like that.

5.  My meatless meal last night was sautéed zucchini and onions with garlic in pasta sauce served over pasta with fresh green beans.  It was delicious!  I had to cut the pasta in small pieces before I ate it due to #1 - open sores and pasta sauce are not your friend.

6.  I have three patty pan squash from my garden that I can't wait to taste - they look like flat white pumpkins.  The friend I purchased the seedlings from said to slice and eat like regular squash.  I'm going to use them somehow in supper on Wednesday.

7.  I had toasted coconut ice cream while on vacation and I'd love to find a recipe for it to make it homemade.  I also had the Hershey Coconut Chocolate Almond while at the campground and was delish too - I'll be looking for it locally as well!

8.  Today is National Junk Food Day. Since I spent 16 days of vacation as if everyday was National Junk Food Day, I think I should refrain from celebrating today.  My stretchy shorts are screaming for mercy.  Just sayin'

9.  Tomorrow I'll be taking a day to cook some zucchini, pull weeds and other garden chores and go to the store as well as finish vacation laundry and do some much needed housework as we get to the end of July.  How is that possible?

10.  Tomorrow's post will be available in the morning, I hope.  I'm sharing a friend's post with a few comments of my own.  I'm looking forward to completing it!

Have a great afternoon,

Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday's Vacation Memories - afternoon edition

Well, Monday is here, vacation is over and I'm a bit out of the blogging loop.  I took my 2 weeks off and to be honest, my brain is a bit behind the times in keeping up, so I'm going to throw some of my favorite pictures of the vacation up here as a little recap, how 'bout it?

I only managed to get up at for the sun rise once and thought at 5:45am, I'd be alone on the beach, but how wrong was I? there were a dozen or so folks claiming their spots on the beach!  Now, mind you, you can't leave your items unattended until 8am (they are subject to disposal in the overnight hours), so these folks had to sit on the beach for 2 hours waiting for the time.  Front row spaces are at a price I suppose.  However, I'll take my chances on finding a spot when we finally get ready to come out on the beach.

My handsome hubby and I
My sister planned a day for our friends to head over to Southport, Carolina Beach and riding the ferry and it was SO much fun!  Here we are riding over the sound headed for Carolina Beach! We ate lots of yummy food and explored a bit and enjoyed the day with some great friends! If you ever get the chance to ride the ferry, you totally need to do it, it's a fun experience!  I love this picture of my husband and know sometimes a selfie just works out well - and I love this one!   It's hard to believe that just four years ago this guy took a chance and slept in a tent outside our camper in the crazy hot weather and began a relationship with me.  I couldn't be more blessed if I tried!
Here are a few more favorites from the week!
This is off the shoreline of Carolina Beach on a HOT July afternoon!

I didn't forget about my girls while I was gone - and I loved this little chicken I found in an
antique shop in Southport  - It was a little pricier than I was willing to shell out, but cute nonetheless.!
Speaking of my chickens - we are officially in countdown mode for Operation Egg Watch - the breeder we purchased them from said they will start laying anytime as early as next week into about the next 6 to 8 weeks - this chicken mama is SUPER excited!  We are installing the nesting boxes this week and starting to mix in the layer food to help them be strong and healthy for egg laying soon!

Well, have a great week folks, I'll do my best to get back in the groove this week! :)


Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday Favorites

Vacation is here!!! As I was packing I kept thinking to myself, don't overpack, don't overpack, don't  overpack! My "goal" was to get everything in my FAVORITE beach bound monogrammed Thirty One bag. Technically I succeeded.  My flip flop tote is full of only clothes. However, for my assortment of shoes and random toiletries I did have to pack a separate tote. Oh well...for 16 days, I still think that's pretty good!
Here we are loaded on ON the road with my FAVORITE 2 dogs and a Suburban filled with food, clothes, tools and supplies for our stay at the campground. I cannot wait to enjoy some quiet days where my biggest concern is what swimsuit am I wearing today!  I'll  be honest, the hardest part of this vacation is leaving my chickens behind. They are in capable hands but I hate leaving them because nobody takes as good a care of them as me. RC will be home the second week while I am gone so he will get a dose of chicken duty as well!
So...signing off for the weekend...I may not post everyday while we are gone, but you can follow me on Instagram if you like at Born2Crop #copesvacay2015 for pictures of Myrtle Beach fun! 

Happy Fourth of July folks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday

If you linked over here and got a bad link before - I apologize - don't edit from your phone and overwrite your previous draft - lesson learned the hard way - OOPS!
I am linking up again today for a Thinking Out Thursday post with Vanessa and Penny.  Today's post is a little bit of everything from babies to hair color and more!  Be sure to stop by the link up and see what the other girls have to say today as well! 

My sweet cousin Mallory and her husband Jay have battled infertility for years and endured multiple miscarriages but remained faithful and prayerful that God would one day bless them with a child.  Yesterday He answered that prayer when baby Benjamin William was born at 6:38am.  He is a cutie for sure and I can't wait to see what God has in store for his life!
If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen this picture, but I love hair therapy days!   One of my pre vacation stops was washing the grey out and I was SUPER happy to come out grey free and trimmed up - one step closer to vacation!!! 

Anybody else out there directionally challenged?  I like to think I'm pretty smart about many things, but I swear I can get lost in a hot minute!  Yesterday was no exception and I managed to go the wrong way AGAIN on the new outerbelt in our area.  I was supposed to head north on the road to be able to come south and avoid a heavy traffic area by heading directly south.  HOWEVER - in my mind, traveling north on a road to head south - that just makes NO sense.  After recounting my story to my husband, he decided it was time for a visual lesson on the set up of the road...I wish I could say I understand better, but I still don't get it...*sigh*...I may be the only person in the world needing GPS for a road I travel multiple times a week.  Blesss my OWN heart - ha!

This sign I made for my Etsy shop sums it up - Tomorrow is the day my vacation starts!  Sun, sand, my favorite people on the planet all in one place...happy, happy, happy!  Life IS truly better at the beach!  Have a great day folks! 
If you'd like to have one of these beauties at your house - head on over to SmallTownGirlDesign and order it :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wednesday's Words

Four years ago today, my now husband of almost 4 years took a step out of his comfort zone and drove to the campground to begin our relationship. 

In the months (really closer to a year) before this I had been praying and reaching out in his direction because I was feeling like God had brought our paths together after many years (we grew up in the same church and our parents were close friends many, many years ago).  There were plenty of times before he came to the beach that I was frustrated because things weren't going the way I wanted and RC just didn't seem to be getting the hint that I liked him as I was visiting his church, hanging out with his family and friends and sitting by the computer in hopes that we would chat that evening on Facebook. 

I had been in a ladies' Bible study group studying "Boundaries" by Cloud and Townsend (if you haven't read it, you really should!) and they had prayed over me, over the situation with RC and I had finally decided that I had to let go of my "control" over what I wanted and let God deal with RC's heart if that was His plan.  I joined a couple of dating sites, because I knew that I was ready to move forward with my life and didn't want to do it alone, all along, hoping, wish and praying that RC would come around and take a chance on love again with me.

In late June 2011, he did just that when he asked me to dinner (we had met many times for coffee, dinner over the previous months at my invitation) I was THRILLED!  I casually asked him to come take a few days off and join us at the beach, honestly never, ever thinking he would really consider it.  When I got the text that he was indeed on his way - the craziness of phone calls and texts commenced to my girlfriends saying OMG, OMG, OMG,OMG he's really coming! 

We literally stayed up ALL night in the recliners outside my camper talking, catching up, discussing what our relationship might look like and as the sun came up, we walked down to the beach and prayed together over our relationship and that God would lead, guide and direct our paths. 

In September, RC asked me to marry him, in October we served on a mission trip together in Sullana, Peru and in December we were married.  All of this is testament to God's faithfulness, mercy and grace - and we continue to trust Him to guide our marriage and how we live our lives. 

Our favorite Bible verse, and one that pretty much sums up our blessings through our relationship is
Ephesians 3:20-21 20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Y'all have a great day.  Be bold and courageous!
