Friday, February 4, 2011

Frazzled Friday Feelings

I am blessed beyond belief.  For sure.  I know I take more for granted than some people are blessed with in their lives.  A roof over my head, food to eat, clothes to wear, etc, etc, etc.  So why is I feel so frazzled?  I guess it's just the human aspect of my life, but I woke up frustrated again with several issues that I've been continually frustrated with for a while.  And it bugs me that I'm frazzled by it.  But yet I still am.

Proverbs 3:5-6 tells me "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight".  I know this is true, but I sure don't seem to be able to put this into practice.  I was SO tempted to put up a facebook status this morning to let someone in my life know that their actions hurt my feelings.  Perhaps I should just be direct with that person, but I struggle with that because, well I'm not so good with confrontation I'm just chicken.  This person is important to me, and I really think God has place him in my life for a reason, I'm just not quite sure what that is yet.  I have my own opinion about it, but who knows if it's the path God has chosen??  What I do know is I feel frazzled about it, I feel like I'm just 'not good enough' or 'not pretty enough' or 'not skinny enough', even though none of those things are the issue probably.  But it's the way I feel.

I am frazzled because my Aunt Jan, who isn't really a blood relative, but rather my mom's close friend whom I've known all my life and feel she is definitely part of my family, is quite sick and in the hospital following a fall that broke her ankle and caused some pretty significant damage on top of some other health issues she is already having.  I visited her once this week and plan to go back tonight to check back in on her.  She faces a long road of rehab and at least a few more weeks in the hospital and nursing home for rehab.  So I'm praying her up and also my Uncle Eddie, her husband, because he is very tired of hospital living already.

I am frazzled because of an empty spot in my home daycare that is causing a financial burden on me.  Circumstances just have not allowed me to fill it yet, but I certainly hope I can soon.  I hate owing people money and being late on bills.  It just drives me nuts.

Well, now after all that bellaching, I'm frazzled with myself for complaining, but sometimes it's good just to get it out of my system, right? Well I'm going with that theory either way.  So I'm going to try to look to the fact that it is indeed Friday and I have a weekend waiting for me.

Blessings to you all,

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