Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trying to Understand

Sometimes in life we really do have to accept the things we can't change, whether that be in relationships or circumstances or other things around us that affect like work or family situations.  I tend to dwell on things that I can't change just for the sake of making myself crazy I think.  It's not helpful, I can't take care of anyone but myself and I know this logically, but tell that to my heart and emotions 'cause I don't think they are listening.

I truly want to understand where people are coming from, what makes them the way they are, and really have a genuine relationship with them and sometimes that just causes me to be so wrapped up in a situation that I have no perspective...dang there's that word again, thanks LL, you can come up with a new word for me now, like, seriously! I am struggling this week, well have been for a little while, about balance and maintaining what I need to and moving on from what I don't and paying attention to the Lord's prompting in these areas so that I actually know the difference.

I'm trying to understand where I am at, right now, at this point in my life.  I am sure as a young child, even as an young adult, I envisioned things so much differently for myself.  I never had the dream to be married, divorced and not having had the chance to become a mom at age 37, but that is the path my life has taken and I'm still wandering around along the way trying to figure out what God's plan for me is.  I don't think it's too late for me to make a difference in this life and I sincerely hope that I have someone to share that with.  And maybe I've put too much focus on that aspect of it.  Or maybe not.  Or maybe I've just made some bad choices and now I need to make some good ones.  Who knows.  But I know what I feel like is on my heart and I am going to try to follow God's will for my life...if only I could find the focus to sit still long enough to listen, but that's a whole other post!

Bottom line is this.  I am so very blessed to have the opportunities that I do in my life.  Seriously.  And I don't want to lose sight of that along the way.  So I'm going to keep moving forward, do my best to keep my eye on the plan that's His and not mine.  And I can only do that with prayer.  So that's the plan.


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