Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day

We did indeed get between 1 and 2 inches of snow last night...yay!

I was able to watch it snow after dark because RC rigged up the shop light onto the porch so I could see into our dark yard. He really is awesome!

Thankfully he can work from home and is here safe and sound. I am fighting a nasty headache today courtesy of my hormone shots. Boo!

Thankful for the snow and the safety of the ones I love. Be blessed today everyone!


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Infertility "Fun"

We are halfway through this egg retrieval cycle and I am hanging in there so far. The picture in this post is my morning dose of meds...looks fun, right? *Ahem* ok maybe not, but it is the way things must be done. So far we are looking at between 9 and 11 follicles that might be ready, so that would be good if they have some good quality eggs in them.

I can't say I am not a little envious of the handful of pregnant ladies in my life that just turned up pregnant without planning, but I am thankful that God has provided us with the insurance and financial means to attempt to be parents via IVF. If things go as planned, my embryo transfer will be in early April. That would be awesnome! But I am not there every day we pray that the drugs are doing their job and that we will end up with some great embryos to test and implant.
We are supposed to have snow today, which is super exciting since we don't get it often and I am super pumped! I will share some pics tomorrow if the weatherman is right!

My latest Pinterest find was a recipe for homemade coffee creamer.  I love a little coffee with my creamer,  so I drink a lot of it. And it's not exactly healthy. Funny thing is the vanilla caramel one tastes kinda like snow cream to me. I am drinking it right now and looking forward to some real snow cream later. Here is the recipe for the base and all the variations DIY Coffee Creamer To be fair the recipes aren't super healthy either, but at least they leave out the things I cannot pronounce! Enjoy!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Catching up...

I am behind on blogging, but this time I have some pretty good reasons. RC was sick, then I got sick, now RC is sick again. I started my cycle, so it's game on for the second round of IVF. This is why I am blogging at 6am on a Saturday, because I have to do shots at 6:30am and pm. Fun times. We are doing a different protocol this time that jumps right in to stimulation meds in the hope of a better response rate since we had just one embryo at the end of our first cycle. I am nervous, already hating the internal ultrasounds and bloodwork, and really just praying that we are able to move to transfer this cycle. My nurse said if all goes well and as planned, we would do the embryo transfer the first week of April.  We were blessed to have an answered prayer in the finances of the cycle this time, having to considerably less at the moment because of some insurance lags, but we will take it!

Missing "my" babies this week...just the everyday laughs and craziness that went along with my job. It's hard to see them growing up via Instagram pictures or Tango chats, but I truly hope and pray that this time next year we will have a little one of our own.

I am off to do.some Bible study homework for Tuesday while all is quiet. Enjoy some pics of the first day of meds...


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Catching up with pictures

I am behind. Again. So here is what I have been doing the past few days. Took my niece out, made some custom order party favors and some goodies for my Fish Camp ladies.

Friday, January 10, 2014

It was bound to happen...

So I missed a day yesterday. It was bound to happen, and only 9 days in, it indeed did. Oh well, we are just going to keep on trucking. Yesterday was kind of a whirlwind with lots of errands, cleaning and a little shopping. I did finally hear from the fertility office, thank goodness, and we are a go for a retrieval cycle this month. We are going to do a different protocol and changing up some meds in hopes to have a better retrieval and fertilization rate this time. And then it's on to testing and transfer in February I think. I am pretty pumped about having a plan finally and now to work out the financial side. We are blessed to have great coverage and still are having to pay a nice little chunk out of pocket, and are trusting God to provide as He always seems to do. Tomorrow is my January scrapbooking event and I am hoping to complete some made to order products for one of my customers for a baby shower and then Sunday is a big church service with all of the NRCC folks in one service at one time. It's going to be a little insane of a weekend. My hubby is practicing his bass at the moment for the big church service and it's loud, but he just played a song I love...and I'll leave you with it for tonight. Hopefully next week my posts will be a little deeper, trying to retrain my brain back to blogging. Enjoy Man of Sorrows

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Not the Day I Planned

Today I was headed to work on our other house and run some NC errands. But this morning we found out our niece had some complications from her tonsil surgery last week and had been admitted to the local children's hospital. So I headed up there for the day. I managed not to get lost going to the hospital,  but ended up in the wrong parking deck and building. Oh well. Here are some pics from the day. I hate hospitals. But at least I was able to be a good aunt for the day.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Day is it? What Day is it?

Nope, it's not hump day. But it is Fish Camp Day! What is Fish Camp you ask? Well it's our ladies' ministry at New River Community Church. And we meet on Tuesday mornings. And I love this precious time with my sisters in Christ. Like, REALLY love it. I am a social butterfly and love, love, love meeting and hanging out with new ladies and getting to know them and their families. This semester I am co leading again with the pastor's wife and we are doing a study on Genesis. The first book in a set of 3 that we are doing is this one.  I love the precept books because they make you HAVE to get in the Word to be able to get your homework done.  And Lord knows I need boundaries and accountability to get things done.  Next week is our first regular meeting and I can't wait to see the new faces in our group and get to know them!

One of my new favorites songs is actually not new, but I am totally digging it...So I'll leave you with it today, check it out here

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Devotional Thoughts

I am using an online reading devotional by Billy Graham and today it is talking about living in constant anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ.  "If we could live every day as though it may be the very last one before the final judgment, what a difference it would make here on earth! But we don't' like to think that way.  We don't like to think that our carefully made plans, our long range schemes may be interrupted by the trumpet of God."

Well, how about that? That steps on my toes a little for sure!  I am making plans for our invitro, for vacations, for house renovations...trivial everyday stuff...all the time.  How about the important stuff.  Drawing closer to a relationship with God?  Seeking His will for my life.  Sure, I think about it.  But is it a today could be my last day on earth kinda thing?  Nope.  I have things I'd like to do before God returns.  Like be a mom.  Like clean out our other house and get it on the market.  Like lose weight. Priorities.  Hmm. 

Now I'm not gonna beat myself up over this, because I believe that satan would love nothing more than to put that thought in my head, to convince me I'm not able to please God, to be "good enough".  Well, what I do know is that I don't have to be good enough.  God sent His Son, to die for me.  I can't be good enough, do good enough, read my Bible enough or go to church enough.  It doesn't work that way.  God sent His Son to die so that my sins were forgiven.  He only asks me to follow Him.  Repent of my sins.  Seek a relationship with Him.  It's not rocket science.  But, it does require a commitment from me.  So for that...I will move this thought forward...

What if today was my last day?  Have I done all I can do to reach people for Jesus?  Seek Him out and praise Him? On the days that the answer is no, I will lean back on His grace is sufficient for me.

2 Corinthians 12:9  But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Blessings, S

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Lazy Sunday

Today was pretty lazy. We did get the Christmas storage boxes in the attic and furniture rearranged back to normal, so that was good.
I started my banner tonight while watching the Tarheels get their butts whooped by Wake  But the banner is looking cute though. So there's that. Now it needs to dry and be strung on the jute cord and it will be ready for the mantle. That's pretty much all for today!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Random Saturday Thoughts

Last night we watched "The Princess and the Frog" with the kids on Disney. I have to say I was quite disappointed with the voodoo, black magic and evil spirits that the movie focused on and around. Now, I am all for Aladdin's magic carpet or Cinderella's bippity, boppity, boo. But this movie rubbed me the wrong way. I just don't like the reality of voodoo and the witchcraft theme in a Disney movie and it will not be one we own in our house. Ever. While it may be a cartoon, the devil and evil are real and I won't choose to have that around for my kids or others to watch.  This movie came out a few years ago and following a quick search on google, I see that it did indeed meet with some controversy when released and I am not suprised. Just suprised me I guess at how dark it really was. As for me and my house, we choose no.

Christmas decor is down and the scattering of snowflakes are making their way out of the boxes for the month of January. I am tempted to make this for my mantle. Love it!

For tonight, that is all. Blessings to all those who pass by here!


Friday, January 3, 2014

Baby, it's cold outside!

This morning it is windy and cold (22 degrees and 12 with the wind chill). It is my opinion that if it going to be this cold, there needs to be snow on the ground! At any rate, I am glad that I do not work an outside job, and I am so sad for the many outdoor pets who are not properly being cared for, like my neighbor's dog who lives his whole life outside chained to a post :-(

I am increasingly frustrated with the lack of communication from the fertility office while we await our next retrieval cycle, all the while there have been 3 pregnancy announcements via Facebook this week. Lovely. I am happy for them. Really I am. *sigh*

Tonight I'll be having a Nannie sleepover with three sweet children and I can't wait! We are going to eat pizza for supper and head back across the border for bedtime. Currently two are entranced in a movie, but little K is willing to cheese it up! Next up? Bedtime x's 3.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Back to Reality

RC has been off since December 23rd and had to head back to work today. We were able to get a few small projects done at the house while he was off, my favorite being the start of the transformation of a dresser to kitchen island. Here it is so far. We still need to add the top, decide what to do with the knobs and apply some kind of distress technique to get the look I want, but I love it already!
The beginning of a new month, and a new year means back to saving money. One way I like to save money and reduce preservatives is making my own bread. My sister gave me a fancy, smancy breadmaker for Christmas and I am getting ready to use it for the first time. Will update with a picture of the finished product.  Nothing smells better than fresh baked bread!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year from the Copes!

Well, 2014 is here! We rang in the New Year with family and friends and I can't wait to see what this year holds for us. Praying for God's blessing on all of those who read this.
