As I scroll through my news feed on Facebook, look at Instagram or Twitter today, there's no way that you can't know what today is. I remember where I was when the first plane hit. In the car taking my daycare kids to preschool. I heard it on the radio, proceeded to drop the kids off, almost in disbelief and not really sure what I was hearing or what it meant. I went home and turned on the television just as the second plane hit the other tower and remember gasping thinking this can't be happening, and could it have been on purpose? Obviously we found out it was and still today we are haunted with the images of the aftermath, the gruesome reminders that loved ones will never come home and many lives are forever changed.
I was a different person then. I was married on September 11, 1999 to a firefighter. By 2001 we were not happily married due to many circumstances and ended up divorcing a while later. But I distinctly remember thinking - those wives and husbands sent their spouses to work that day as I did many times knowing that they had dangerous jobs, but they "would" come home again safe and sound. But so many didn't. They died doing what they loved and would probably do it again if they had the chance. It's what they did. There is a mentality that one has in emergency services and it's not just a job - it's their life. My ex-husband is still a fireman today, but is a battalion chief who doesn't man a hose or drive a truck anymore, but I'm pretty sure that faced with the decision to save a life, he'd get his white shirt dirty in a heartbeat.
Like many I was glued to my tv for days, crying at the images, so sad for those left behind. Evil comes in many shapes and forms...that day it came as hijackers, trained to die and leave a path of destruction as far and wide as they could. We are still cleaning up that mess today - it's so sad to see evil's hand at work in the world, and leaders seemingly turning a blind eye to the events like September 11, 2001.
My prayer for today as we remember is, let's pray for the future of America - for the lives of those still here, the lives of our children growing up in a messed up world full of corruption and self centeredness. As God is being removed by different branches of government more and more, I wonder - how far does it go before we realize that "one nation UNDER God" and "in God we trust" are more than just words on our currency and in our pledge.
Hugs and love to all of you reading this - may your lives never be impacted by the hurt and anguish of those families on that fateful September day
Friday, September 11, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Ten Tuesday Thoughts
Happy Tuesday Morning! It feels like a Monday to me already after having my husband home yesterday, but we are up and rolling, so let's do this day!
1 - My chickens are still not laying eggs and I may have to join a support group for impatient chicken's making me a bit crazy and no amount of sweet talk, meal worms or dried oats is coaxing them into the nesting boxes.
2 - My garden has all but quit producing except for peppers and tomatoes and a large amount of jalapenos that I need to figure out something to make using them. I have broccoli to put in the ground and may try my hand at fall beans if it's not too late.
3 - Our ladies' Bible study starts book discussion today and we are doing "The Holiness of God" by RC Sproul in my group. I've never read it before, but my husband has, which almost guarantees that it's a bit over my head theologically, but I am excited to delve into it with my fellow group members. Here's the link if you're interested in checking it out -
4 - Today I'm tackling my craft room after Bible study - it's taken on a mind of it's own and I can't stand it any longer! If nothing else gets done but sorting the mess into workable piles, I'll feel a bit better, because right now I don't even want to go in there and even had to set up a table in my living room to complete a couple of recent projects and have room to work. Considering my craft room is filled with just MY stuff, I need to get it together!
5 - Over the weekend about 280 students, leaders and staff went to Myrtle Beach for their annual student retreat and they baptized 80 folks in the ocean - that number is just awesome, but the fact that even one life was changed as a result of a weekend with their peers getting into God's word, worshipping and having fun on the beach together is worth all of the work that went into the conference. To God be the glory!!!
6 - This song has been rolling around in my head for the last couple of days. We've done it a few times at church, but the words have been sinking down into my heart...give it a listen if you like!
1 - My chickens are still not laying eggs and I may have to join a support group for impatient chicken's making me a bit crazy and no amount of sweet talk, meal worms or dried oats is coaxing them into the nesting boxes.
2 - My garden has all but quit producing except for peppers and tomatoes and a large amount of jalapenos that I need to figure out something to make using them. I have broccoli to put in the ground and may try my hand at fall beans if it's not too late.
3 - Our ladies' Bible study starts book discussion today and we are doing "The Holiness of God" by RC Sproul in my group. I've never read it before, but my husband has, which almost guarantees that it's a bit over my head theologically, but I am excited to delve into it with my fellow group members. Here's the link if you're interested in checking it out -
4 - Today I'm tackling my craft room after Bible study - it's taken on a mind of it's own and I can't stand it any longer! If nothing else gets done but sorting the mess into workable piles, I'll feel a bit better, because right now I don't even want to go in there and even had to set up a table in my living room to complete a couple of recent projects and have room to work. Considering my craft room is filled with just MY stuff, I need to get it together!
5 - Over the weekend about 280 students, leaders and staff went to Myrtle Beach for their annual student retreat and they baptized 80 folks in the ocean - that number is just awesome, but the fact that even one life was changed as a result of a weekend with their peers getting into God's word, worshipping and having fun on the beach together is worth all of the work that went into the conference. To God be the glory!!!
6 - This song has been rolling around in my head for the last couple of days. We've done it a few times at church, but the words have been sinking down into my heart...give it a listen if you like!
7 - Fall shows are coming back to TV slowly but surely and today Candace Cameron Bure joins the cast of The View today. I love her and hope the show will take a different path, maybe more middle of the road with her voice being added to the mix. I just quit watching after many shows of Whoopi, Rosie, Joy and even Meredith who just annoyed me...I've set it to DVR today's show, so we'll see!
8 - I finished my first Carolina Panthers sign last night and it's headed to my Etsy shop today! If you're not a Panthers fan, that's okay - I can make your team too! Contact me at SmallTownGirlDesign on Etsy to place a custom order!
9 - Cooler temps are on the way hopefully soon and the closet switchover has to begin as well! I found this pattern for a 1950's inspired dress that I would love to have this fall, whether I can make it or find one similar to buy...paired with a sweater - how cute is this!?!? I am a fluffy sized gal, so I may hate it on my body style, but I'd love to try one on!
10 - I posted this on Facebook yesterday, so I think I'll share it here today!
Today, instead of complaining, airing your dirty laundry on social media or making that snarky phone call or text - take a minute and pray for that person, situation or even for what's going on in your life instead. Even better - send that person a message, text or card encouraging them - be the person in their life that lifts them up, prays for them and sets the example for how to treat each other. It's never okay to make posts with the intention of belittling your spouse, child or Facebook "friend" - encourage your spouse, lift up your child and show grace to friends who need it more than extra fuel to their drama...think before you post seeking attention or getting back at someone. Let's put Ephesians 4 to work in our lives and love on those around us this week!
Monday, September 7, 2015
Monday Memos
Good Monday morning and Happy Labor Day! I hope you are at home enjoying the holiday with your family and not headed off to work today! Which is kinda ironic isn't - celebrating Labor Day with a day off? I haven't had enough coffee to debate that this morning, but I'll enjoy having my hubby home today for sure!
We had a busy Saturday this weekend with me headed off to an early softball tournament with one of my Nannie kids and then an afternoon funeral for the wife of my first pastor from long ago and hanging out with my inlaws a bit. Here is Karcen doing her thing on the ball field - she is quite the athlete and I'm so glad I finally got to see her play!
The interesting thing about marrying a man you knew as a child and your inlaws being family friends from waaaay back in the day - is things kinda come full circle at events like anniversary parties and funerals. My parents have been gone almost 20 years, but for the last 2 weekends, I've been surrounded by their friends from 30 plus years ago and it's really quite neat. There was even a picture of my mom on the slideshow of pictures at the funeral I attended - an unexpected blessing. I have hugged the necks of folks I haven't seen in decades and reminisced about the good ol' days and it's just good for my heart. I am more blessed than I can say with the opportunity to still come across families that knew my parents, loved them and are happy to share a memory of them that will forever be dear to me!
I don't have a Meatless Monday meal planned for today, because quite frankly, I don't have anything planned for supper and I'm kinda hoping my hubby is going to take me out tonight!
Here's Monday's Music from Hillsong - "I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground" - that's just good stuff right there.
And finally Not Me Monday musings for you...
I haven't had to bite my tongue and not respond to about a dozen Facebook posts this week that simply aren't my business but I seriously want to say "seriously?!?!?!" Nope, Not Me! I don't have a sore on my tongue from making sure I don't make inappropriate responses, Nope, Not Me!
I haven't had a cold for almost a week with a dang cough that is making me nuts and almost causing me to bring a change of clothes with me everywhere for fear of wetting my pants in a coughing fit - No, that hasn't happened to me and I certainly wouldn't blog about it! Nope, Not me!
I haven't spent time in my chicken coop talking to my flock of six about getting the egg laying starting, because why would I do such a thing? That's certainly not a sane thing to do and surely won't make any difference at all and would cause others in my life to say "umm, honey, do you need to see someone about that?" Nope, not this chicken mama!
There is no way I have broccoli, beans and herbs to plant for fall crops that are slowly but surely wasting away because I haven't had time to get them in the ground...actually I've had time, but this dang cold has had me up all night, grumpy and just not in the mood for anything. But I wouldn't waste money like that, nope not me!
I certainly didn't get up in the middle of the night over the weekend and realize the power was out and tiptoe around my house waiting for some kind of home invasion to happen thinking things like "I wonder if the bad guys cut our power and are hiding the shadows waiting to get me" and "what is that noise/shadow over there and how can I protect myself" I don't watch tv shows and movies that put crazy thoughts in my head or have an overactive imagination about stuff like that and for sure wouldn't admit that on my blog, causing concern of folks passing by here of whether I should be taking medication for that kind of stuff...nope, certainly not me.
Have a great Monday everyone!
Monday, August 31, 2015
Monday Memos
Good Morning Morning Blogland!
This weekend was a blur for me and I'm feeling the after affects this morning for sure, even with a cup of coffee almost finished - whew!
My inlaws celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this past Saturday and we (their children and spouses) hosted a party in their honor with about 80 friends and family and it went quite well if I do say so myself! Here's the happy couple posing with their photo from 50 years ago! I love this! The guest list included friends of 50 years, church friends from multiple churches throughout their lives and family, some that traveled a couple of hours to join us. The fun thing was that because I married into a family that I grew up with way back in the day, I got to see some familiar faces that I haven't seen in more than 20 years. I didn't remember all of them, but to hear them speak of my parents warmed my heart - I miss them every single day. It's a blessing to know that people have such fond memories of them and that because of what God did in bringing RC and I together, the circle is still unbroken long after my parents left this earthly world and I am so very thankful for that.
50 years is quite an accomplishment and while I know it's not likely that RC and I will see that milestone since we got married so late in life, it's a great testimony of faith, perseverance and love that couples like my inlaws stay married so long, and even seem to enjoy each other's company still after all this time. We live in a disposable society in 2015 and it's wonderful to be witness to what God has done in their marriage over the years and their faithfulness to stick with each other even when there were times that "in good times and bad" I'm certain. Here's a few more photos of the celebration - I loved their "first dance" - they were so sweet and made me smile to see them smile, laugh and kiss while everyone watched. And I had to laugh at my mother in law fussing at my father in law not to spin her around because she has vertigo issues and watching him tease her.
We are not a meatless meal today because I didn't plan ahead for it. But for next week, the plan is this recipe I found on Pinterest that looks really yummy!
This is a good Monday morning song, a few years old, but I like it's get up and go for the Lord!
This is a fun song we have done a few times at New River and I think it's great!
Not me Monday thoughts for today - I certainly have NOT consumed Hershey nuggets two days in a row as part of my breakfast. I am certainly more conscientious about my diet than that and wouldn't consume empty calories first thing in the morning!
I also did not buy a pack of croissants at Target yesterday while shopping for a baby shower gift and consume them on my own over a two day period - I mean they have 18 grams of fat EACH - I would so NOT eat them all myself. Duh!
I did NOT have a pep talk with my chickens this morning that we are in week 22 of their lives and it's time to get with the program and lay some eggs and let go of the freeloading teenager phase of their lives. 'Cause only crazy chicken ladies do stuff like that and I'm certainly NOT that, for sure. Ahem.
I did NOT have a good ol' fashioned hoe down in my living room listening to David Crowder's version of "I'll Fly Away" from Passion 2013 this morning while uploading the videos to my blog this morning. My dogs certainly didn't look at me like I'd lost it when I said (out loud) "come on dance with momma" - ha! I'm a perfectly sane 41 year old who would never do such a thing!
Have a great week folks,
Friday, August 21, 2015
Friday Frustrations (with a Dash of Thankfulness)
Good afternoon everyone!
I have fallen a bit off the blogging wagon and I'm not sorry. Is that wrong? I'm not sure. I've been busy, working a part time Nannie job and working on my childhood home to name a few things that have taken priority. I have had to buckle down and just push through tired afternoons, late evenings and long to do lists with unchecked off items. If I kicked myself for getting behind, it would only further fuel my frustration of things not completed in my life, and I'm simply not going to go there. I'll try to get back to it soon, but I make no promises. How's that for non commitment!?!
I have had to buckle down and commit to 9pm bedtimes to get up at 5am to walk with my husband because I really need sleep. Events happen and weekends I tend to get off schedule, but during the week, I do my best to get in bed by 9 so that I can get settled down and fall asleep and wake up rested. It's really better for everyone in my life. Especially my sweet husband. I am so thankful for his patience, his willingness to overlook the cluttered bar, the bathroom floor that needs mopping and dog hair seemingly everywhere. I really couldn't be more blessed to call him mine and I try to say "thank you" for loving me unconditionally every time I think of it...which is probably still not often enough.
This next week our ladies' Bible study ministry comes back into session and I'm pretty excited about seeing the girls and getting back into that routine, but it also causes me to lose a day to do other things and that's a bit stressful. I will have to make sure my time is productive when I have it and be serious about using it wisely. In another couple of weeks, our growth group will resume meeting in our home, and I've missed catching up with them and knowing what's up in their lives. While it's another commitment, it's easily one of my favorites.
Next weekend is the celebration of my inlaws 50th wedding anniversary. My 2 sisters in law and I have been working together to do the decorations, cake and food (which will be catered - SO thankful for that!) It has confirmed what I already knew in that I am a control freak and really just prefer to do things by myself. But this is not about me - so I'm doing my best to play nicely with others, but I'll be honest, some days I just wanna scream! We have 80 RSVPs for the event so that's a great turnout for celebrating some great folks and I hope all the bits and pieces come together for a great party!
I hope everyone enjoys a great weekend, I'm headed to a ladies' event with my sister and some hometown friends and then home to work on centerpieces and cake topper for the party. See y'all on Monday!
I have fallen a bit off the blogging wagon and I'm not sorry. Is that wrong? I'm not sure. I've been busy, working a part time Nannie job and working on my childhood home to name a few things that have taken priority. I have had to buckle down and just push through tired afternoons, late evenings and long to do lists with unchecked off items. If I kicked myself for getting behind, it would only further fuel my frustration of things not completed in my life, and I'm simply not going to go there. I'll try to get back to it soon, but I make no promises. How's that for non commitment!?!
I have had to buckle down and commit to 9pm bedtimes to get up at 5am to walk with my husband because I really need sleep. Events happen and weekends I tend to get off schedule, but during the week, I do my best to get in bed by 9 so that I can get settled down and fall asleep and wake up rested. It's really better for everyone in my life. Especially my sweet husband. I am so thankful for his patience, his willingness to overlook the cluttered bar, the bathroom floor that needs mopping and dog hair seemingly everywhere. I really couldn't be more blessed to call him mine and I try to say "thank you" for loving me unconditionally every time I think of it...which is probably still not often enough.
This next week our ladies' Bible study ministry comes back into session and I'm pretty excited about seeing the girls and getting back into that routine, but it also causes me to lose a day to do other things and that's a bit stressful. I will have to make sure my time is productive when I have it and be serious about using it wisely. In another couple of weeks, our growth group will resume meeting in our home, and I've missed catching up with them and knowing what's up in their lives. While it's another commitment, it's easily one of my favorites.
Next weekend is the celebration of my inlaws 50th wedding anniversary. My 2 sisters in law and I have been working together to do the decorations, cake and food (which will be catered - SO thankful for that!) It has confirmed what I already knew in that I am a control freak and really just prefer to do things by myself. But this is not about me - so I'm doing my best to play nicely with others, but I'll be honest, some days I just wanna scream! We have 80 RSVPs for the event so that's a great turnout for celebrating some great folks and I hope all the bits and pieces come together for a great party!
I hope everyone enjoys a great weekend, I'm headed to a ladies' event with my sister and some hometown friends and then home to work on centerpieces and cake topper for the party. See y'all on Monday!
Monday, August 17, 2015
So Monday is here - and it's a doozy right off the bat! We started off our morning about 4:45am to hit the track at the school to do our walk- however, when my husband came out of the bathroom, he had realized we had no water. We have a well and it could have been several things, but as I type this, we are waiting for the plumber, following attempting to change the switch on the pump and finding out that was indeed not the problem. So I went and purchased some jug water and we will survive until it's repaired. Remembering 1 Thessalonians 5:18 all day today - In EVERYTHING give thanks - yep, even broken well pumps.

My little garden is still trucking along and I was able to put up some pickles, salsa and make several more loaves of zucchini bread this weekend. It's really amazing to watch tiny seeds grow into monstrous plants and produce SO many veggies. I shredded and froze about 8 cups of zucchini and 2 cups of patty pan squash for use in the fall and winter for breads and baking. I think my favorite thing about canning this weekend was the opportunity to use my mom's big canning pot to do it - memories of her using it to put up beans, tomatoes and corn made me smile. Who knew those memories would one day be important?
These two cuties start college this month and I just can't believe it. I swear they were in pull ups like yesterday. Seriously! I pray their college experience is awesome and that they will make good decisions in all that they do. Nannie will always be proud of them no matter what, and I can't wait to see how God uses them in this big world.

Despite living in a lake community, I have only been on the lake on the day we got married when we took a pontoon boat to a small island with only close friends and family to say our vows. Yesterday, however, my sweet friend Elizabeth and her hubby asked us if we would like to join them for an evening boat ride. We were thrilled and had a blast - perfect weather, four silly kids and a quiet day on the lake - SCORE!
The plumber hasn't arrived yet, so I'm off to do some chores and work on some craft projects for my in law's 50th anniversary party. Have a great Monday everyone!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Ten Tuesday Thoughts
Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday to you wherever you are! Here's some thoughts from a little town in SC this Tuesday morning!
1. I took an unintended hiatus from blogging because life was just too busy and I didn't have any blog posts planned out to execute quickly last week. I am trying to get back on schedule this week.
2. Speaking of busy life...I don't know about you, but some days I look up and it's 3pm and I think what the heck have I done all day? I have these to do lists and some of them feel like I wrote them back in 1987 because it's taking me so long to get them done.
3. I have had some random swelling in my left ankle for 3 days and thankfully today it's looking better, though still not 100%, but I still haven't figured out what triggered it. No soft drinks, salt intake about the same, drinking water except for some sweet tea Saturday at my scrapbooking day. I, of course, set off to Google about what causes swelling - geez - why do I do that to myself? I am just monitoring my intake of water, steering clear of any soft drinks and hoping it was a fluke and not any of the things I read about. Once again, Google is NOT my friend.
4. My husband is sitting at the tire shop with my car as I type this and just messaged me that I need 4 tires instead of two. Two weeks paycheck for childcare gone. Poof. Oh well, I guess that's why I'm doing it, to help offset the budget. But $140 each for tires hurts my feelings, and my wallet. Bummer. The mechanic said my right tires were the worst and it looked like I had been driving on a racetrack. Nope, just 485.
5. My Etsy shop has been doing great these past few weeks - and it seems to come in spells. I just sent an order to Pennsylvania and got one yesterday to send to New Mexico. Pretty neat! Haven't checked it out yet? Here's the link if you'd like to - SmallTownGirlDesign
6. My inlaws are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at the end of this month and we are throwing them a party - so planning and prepping is well under way. I am making some super cute centerpieces, I hope they'll be cute anyway, with paper flowers in the jewel tones we are using for decorations. I'll be sure to post pictures after the event.
7. STILL on Operation Egg Watch at the coop 'round here. I told my husband last night that I think we got chickens that don't lay eggs. Ha! I'm just being impatient I know, but dang, hurry up already!
8. I'm having supper this week with two of my Nannie's kids headed to college on Friday - how is that even possible - I swear they were just starting kindergarten last week! So proud of them as they go off to school, but I hate to see them grow is flying by too, too fast!
9. I have learned that I'm decidedly out of the loop when it comes to fancy smancy clothing stores that the cool kids (and adults) are into these days. On two occasions this week, I've seen Instagram posts about oh I love these clothes from this store, and oh we had a party themed from that store. I honestly had NEVER heard of either. I am not sure if I'm living under a rock with my chickens or if that's just so far out of my budgetary realm that I'd never know it anyway.
10. I am on Day 11 of the Minimalist Game and it's getting a little tougher I'll be honest, not because of not having things to get rid of, I have plenty, but making time each day to get rid of stuff. I worked ahead a bit yesterday because I knew today was going to be busy and I have to watch children the next 3 days. If you haven't read about the declutter your life plan - you can do it here
That's it for today everyone! Have a great day! Be strong and courageous!
1. I took an unintended hiatus from blogging because life was just too busy and I didn't have any blog posts planned out to execute quickly last week. I am trying to get back on schedule this week.
2. Speaking of busy life...I don't know about you, but some days I look up and it's 3pm and I think what the heck have I done all day? I have these to do lists and some of them feel like I wrote them back in 1987 because it's taking me so long to get them done.
3. I have had some random swelling in my left ankle for 3 days and thankfully today it's looking better, though still not 100%, but I still haven't figured out what triggered it. No soft drinks, salt intake about the same, drinking water except for some sweet tea Saturday at my scrapbooking day. I, of course, set off to Google about what causes swelling - geez - why do I do that to myself? I am just monitoring my intake of water, steering clear of any soft drinks and hoping it was a fluke and not any of the things I read about. Once again, Google is NOT my friend.
4. My husband is sitting at the tire shop with my car as I type this and just messaged me that I need 4 tires instead of two. Two weeks paycheck for childcare gone. Poof. Oh well, I guess that's why I'm doing it, to help offset the budget. But $140 each for tires hurts my feelings, and my wallet. Bummer. The mechanic said my right tires were the worst and it looked like I had been driving on a racetrack. Nope, just 485.
5. My Etsy shop has been doing great these past few weeks - and it seems to come in spells. I just sent an order to Pennsylvania and got one yesterday to send to New Mexico. Pretty neat! Haven't checked it out yet? Here's the link if you'd like to - SmallTownGirlDesign
6. My inlaws are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at the end of this month and we are throwing them a party - so planning and prepping is well under way. I am making some super cute centerpieces, I hope they'll be cute anyway, with paper flowers in the jewel tones we are using for decorations. I'll be sure to post pictures after the event.
7. STILL on Operation Egg Watch at the coop 'round here. I told my husband last night that I think we got chickens that don't lay eggs. Ha! I'm just being impatient I know, but dang, hurry up already!
8. I'm having supper this week with two of my Nannie's kids headed to college on Friday - how is that even possible - I swear they were just starting kindergarten last week! So proud of them as they go off to school, but I hate to see them grow is flying by too, too fast!
9. I have learned that I'm decidedly out of the loop when it comes to fancy smancy clothing stores that the cool kids (and adults) are into these days. On two occasions this week, I've seen Instagram posts about oh I love these clothes from this store, and oh we had a party themed from that store. I honestly had NEVER heard of either. I am not sure if I'm living under a rock with my chickens or if that's just so far out of my budgetary realm that I'd never know it anyway.
10. I am on Day 11 of the Minimalist Game and it's getting a little tougher I'll be honest, not because of not having things to get rid of, I have plenty, but making time each day to get rid of stuff. I worked ahead a bit yesterday because I knew today was going to be busy and I have to watch children the next 3 days. If you haven't read about the declutter your life plan - you can do it here
That's it for today everyone! Have a great day! Be strong and courageous!
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Ten Tuesday Thoughts
Happy Tuesday Morning Folks! Here's a few, well 10 to be exact, thoughts rolling around in my head today!
1. My husband and I got up to walk at 4:50am today. I think I'd rather be fat than ever see 4am. But we are going to try again to get back in a routine - walking in the evenings is not our friend, there are too many distractions and other things that come up. At 4:50am - I promise there is nothing else on my to do list - except sleep of course.
2. We recently found out that the Hallmark Channel and the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries Channel had been added to our U Verse package and I am super pumped. I have been wanting to watch the Cedar Coves series, now I need to find a way to go back and watch the older ones!
3. We are STILL waiting for eggs at the Cope Coop! No submissive squatting (which indicates to the rooster that they are ready for baby making and is supposedly the last thing that happens before laying begins) but their combs are getting redder and they are checking out the nesting boxes, so I hope it will be soon! I am quite impatient!
4. I have been doing the Minimalist Game this month, where you trash, donate, recycle or otherwise dispose of the number of items corresponding with the date. You can read about it here and follow along if you like. Use the hashtag #MinsGameAug2015 if you'd like to follow along with us or #minsgame to connect with those from the original website. It's been pretty easy so far, but thinking ahead to the days where I have to get rid of 10 plus items every day - that's a bit daunting! We'll see how I do!
5. I am going to attempt making pickles for the first time without my momma today. I actually cheated and bought a mix because the ingredients were a little daunting. I don't even like dill pickles, but we'll see how the hubby likes them. I'll be canning some green beans as well while I've got the processing bath going. Here's to fresh veggies this winter!
6. I have a ladies bible study leader meeting today, which means summer is drawing to a close. We officially get started back on August 25th and my group that I'm co-leading is doing The Holiness of God by RC Sproul. I've never heard of it before, so I'm excited to get started with it, even if it means summer vacation is over!
7. I am still toying with the idea of a fall garden. I've never planted one before - so I need to do a bit more research and get some seeds ASAP if that's the plan. I know many people plant fall veggies and herbs - just haven't ever tried.
8. I would love to take a sewing class and a sign language class over the winter. I have looked into both, but with my schedule it's been impossible. I know the sewing basics, but not enough to make any clothes or sew anything intricate for my Etsy shop. I've always been fascinated with sign language and did learn a little bit to use in my home daycare, but I'd like to be more conversational with it if possible.
9. I have a random lingering headache that is driving me batty. It's sometimes "sinusy" feeling behind my eyes, but sometimes at the base of my neck running up and down almost like a crick. I haven't googled because when I do a hang nail turns into a stage four inoperable tumor and I don't have time for that kinda stress this week.
10. I have a scrapbooking customer whose husband just took a pastor position in Alaska. I freaked out a little about moving one state down. She literally went from NC to Alaska. I can't wait to follow along with their new life via Faceook. Crazy times!
Until Next Time,
1. My husband and I got up to walk at 4:50am today. I think I'd rather be fat than ever see 4am. But we are going to try again to get back in a routine - walking in the evenings is not our friend, there are too many distractions and other things that come up. At 4:50am - I promise there is nothing else on my to do list - except sleep of course.
2. We recently found out that the Hallmark Channel and the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries Channel had been added to our U Verse package and I am super pumped. I have been wanting to watch the Cedar Coves series, now I need to find a way to go back and watch the older ones!
3. We are STILL waiting for eggs at the Cope Coop! No submissive squatting (which indicates to the rooster that they are ready for baby making and is supposedly the last thing that happens before laying begins) but their combs are getting redder and they are checking out the nesting boxes, so I hope it will be soon! I am quite impatient!
4. I have been doing the Minimalist Game this month, where you trash, donate, recycle or otherwise dispose of the number of items corresponding with the date. You can read about it here and follow along if you like. Use the hashtag #MinsGameAug2015 if you'd like to follow along with us or #minsgame to connect with those from the original website. It's been pretty easy so far, but thinking ahead to the days where I have to get rid of 10 plus items every day - that's a bit daunting! We'll see how I do!
5. I am going to attempt making pickles for the first time without my momma today. I actually cheated and bought a mix because the ingredients were a little daunting. I don't even like dill pickles, but we'll see how the hubby likes them. I'll be canning some green beans as well while I've got the processing bath going. Here's to fresh veggies this winter!
6. I have a ladies bible study leader meeting today, which means summer is drawing to a close. We officially get started back on August 25th and my group that I'm co-leading is doing The Holiness of God by RC Sproul. I've never heard of it before, so I'm excited to get started with it, even if it means summer vacation is over!
7. I am still toying with the idea of a fall garden. I've never planted one before - so I need to do a bit more research and get some seeds ASAP if that's the plan. I know many people plant fall veggies and herbs - just haven't ever tried.
8. I would love to take a sewing class and a sign language class over the winter. I have looked into both, but with my schedule it's been impossible. I know the sewing basics, but not enough to make any clothes or sew anything intricate for my Etsy shop. I've always been fascinated with sign language and did learn a little bit to use in my home daycare, but I'd like to be more conversational with it if possible.
9. I have a random lingering headache that is driving me batty. It's sometimes "sinusy" feeling behind my eyes, but sometimes at the base of my neck running up and down almost like a crick. I haven't googled because when I do a hang nail turns into a stage four inoperable tumor and I don't have time for that kinda stress this week.
10. I have a scrapbooking customer whose husband just took a pastor position in Alaska. I freaked out a little about moving one state down. She literally went from NC to Alaska. I can't wait to follow along with their new life via Faceook. Crazy times!
Until Next Time,
Monday, August 3, 2015
Monday Memos
Good Monday morning everyone! I don't know about you, but July kinda kicked my butt (even being on vacation for 2 weeks!) and August is looking pretty stinking busy too! 2015 is FLYING by, it'll be the holidays before we know it!

One thing the weekend didn't lack was yummy food! Friday night I made this casserole with fresh squash and zucchini from the garden and it's a keeper for sure. My husband loves casseroles and stuffing - so this one was a hit before he even tried it.
Saturday morning I made more zucchini bread and tried this recipe for lemon zucchini bread. It was good, but definitely needs the glaze or more lemon zest/juice in the mix for a bit of a flavor boost. With the glaze it's delicious!
Sunday after church we hit up the local Asian bistro for their lunch special. It's $7.25 for your choice of entrée and rice, sweet carrots and your choice of sushi or egg/spring roll. I had the California roll and RC had a cucumber roll. Very good and lots of food for the price!
Sunday evening was make your own pizza night with fresh veggies from the garden - I loved it! These crust come in a pack of 3 at WalMart for $2.50 and they worked perfectly!
For Meatless Monday - I'm going to use these patty pan squash on the grill as a "steak" if you will and serve with fresh zucchini and yellow squash on the grill as well. We may even toss a few green beans on there and see how they turn out!
I've shared this song on Monday music before, but we sang it again yesterday at church - and while it's a stretch for my normal "praise music" I really, really like it!
This is a new one we sang yesterday and it's great - I love learning new songs and we have such talented musicians at New River - and the cutest bass player ever, however I may be slightly biased :)
Finally a few not me Monday thoughts for your enjoyment...
While free ranging my chickens on Saturday, I didn't stand with the girls at my feet yelling at the top of lungs at the hawks trying to swoop down while my husband set up the playpen for them. I have more couth than that and would never holler at random wild birds - nope, not me.
I certainly didn't make a video of myself trying to get all of the chickens out of the run to free range only to play it back and think, oh geez, do I really sound like that?!?! I certainly didn't play it for my sister and one of her friends Saturday and she told me never to play it again. Nope, not this girl.
I obviously didn't forget to check my husband's closet to make sure he had pants to wear to church all day yesterday playing four services and realize at 6am that he was wearing jeans that were quite snug and would have to endure uncomfortableness because of me all day. Surely I would never do that, right? So thankful for a gracious husband who forgives me when I am not quite with the program.
That's all for this Monday folks. Have a great day everyone!
From hot and sunny SC,
Thursday, July 30, 2015
August Declutter or Bust
I am linking up again today for a Thinking Out Thursday post with Vanessa and Penny and I'm throwing down a challenge, a dare if you will, for an August Declutter! Join me if you like in the effort to live life with less stuff - I so desire this in our home! It's a bit scary to think about how much "stuff" I have for just "having's" sake and it's time to take action!
I saw this challenge over at Half Agony and Half Hope for a Simple August. I have way too much "stuff" and I know it. I have to get my "other" house (my childhood home where I lived from 1978 until 2012 with my parents and sister and 30 plus years of "stuff") cleaned out and maybe I need some motivation and accountability! The idea behind this is pretty simple. For each corresponding day of the month you trash, donate or recycle the number of items for the date. Day one you must remove 1 item all the way to day 31 where you must remove THIRTY ONE items. Yikes! I can do this! It's almost 500 items out of my house and it so needs to be done! Want to join me? Follow along with me on Instagram (Born2Crop) and use #MinsGameAug2015 so we can see your progress too!
This is the blog that the idea started from - I haven't read it all yet, so I can't speak for how realistic the idea as a whole is, but I do know I want a life with less stuff and more of the important things like time, peace of mind and fun!
I saw this challenge over at Half Agony and Half Hope for a Simple August. I have way too much "stuff" and I know it. I have to get my "other" house (my childhood home where I lived from 1978 until 2012 with my parents and sister and 30 plus years of "stuff") cleaned out and maybe I need some motivation and accountability! The idea behind this is pretty simple. For each corresponding day of the month you trash, donate or recycle the number of items for the date. Day one you must remove 1 item all the way to day 31 where you must remove THIRTY ONE items. Yikes! I can do this! It's almost 500 items out of my house and it so needs to be done! Want to join me? Follow along with me on Instagram (Born2Crop) and use #MinsGameAug2015 so we can see your progress too!
This is the blog that the idea started from - I haven't read it all yet, so I can't speak for how realistic the idea as a whole is, but I do know I want a life with less stuff and more of the important things like time, peace of mind and fun!
Have a great day everyone! Be bold and courageous!
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Thinking Out Loud Thursday - Currently I am...
I am linking up again today for a Thinking Out Thursday post with Vanessa and Penny. Today's edition is a take on a blog post I read a while back of 10 currently I am __________ listing things that were happening at the moment the post was here goes.
Currently I am...
Sitting on the couch at 8:07am in a nightgown that I love that belonged to my mom and typing this post because I didn't do it last night.
Watching the water sprinkler out my window watering the garden and thinking I should have picked the green beans before it came on at 8am
Reading an email from an Etsy custom order customer about her bedspring wreath and replying that it should ship tomorrow if I can find a box for her today. Visit my Etsy shop here if you'd like one too :)
Listening to my Pekingese Max snore on the floor below my feet. It's cute, but it'd be cuter if he did it at night instead of barking at who knows what in the yard and waking me up.
Chatting with my husband on Facebook about some water pressure issues with our well pump and trying to decide what we need to check to see if we can it fixed soon.
Flipping through zucchini recipes to use the plethora of jumbo ones left on the vine too long. Last night I made stuffed boats with sausage and veggies and it was quite good.
Messing with my still sore fever blister adorned lip that is better, but still aggravating as all get out. I had several blisters pop up on the last day of vacation and probably my worst outbreak ever at once and I am SO ready for them to be gone and to not feel like I should wear a hospital mask when I go out so I don't scare anybody.
Making a mental list of what needs to get done the rest of this week and so far that includes - nesting boxes for my chickens who will start laying soon, finish my vacation laundry, clean up my sunroom that became a landing spot for random items out of my car during vacation packing, a holding spot for things brought home from my other house that I'm cleaning out, and random things that are just cluttering the dining table
Realizing that I still have my "spring" burlap banner on my mantel - seriously? It's July 23rd.
Noticing that I have so many "tabs" open in my brain at wonder I wander in circles some days - my husband often says he works with one open at a time as many men do - I can't even imagine....
Have a great Thursday everyone!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Why don't you "just"...
If you've been around a while on my blog, you know I've struggled with infertility and undergone many months of treatment only to end up in debt and definitely NOT pregnant. We completed two cycles of stimulating drugs, egg retrieval and the awful waiting game. In the end we had two embryos that survived the required amount of days, and at our doctor's encouragement due to my age, we had the embryos tested for chromosomal abnormalities that come with older eggs. We found out that both were "incompatible with life" and almost certainly wouldn't become viable pregnancies or end in early miscarriages. The day I had to walk into that clinic with legal paperwork to "dispose" of my embryos was a day I wouldn't wish on anyone...I don't have words for how awful it was.
I have several friends who have been or still are in varying stages of building their family, either through infertility treatments or adoption. We have often commented that we could write a book and what NOT to say to someone undergoing treatments or trying to adopt. My all time favorite is still - if you just quit worrying about it and just have fun "trying" you'll get pregnant. Well, here's how I know that's not true. I had surgery to remove two damaged fallopian tubes and it's medically impossible for me to "just" get pregnant. And sometimes, even that explanation doesn't quite click. *sigh*. Why didn't I "just" think of that. Be calm, do some yoga, take some deep breaths - who needs fallopian tubes anyway, right?
Another doozy is why don't you "just" adopt. Well, let's see. Adoption isn't any cheaper than IVF when it's all said and done. There aren't any blue light specials on aisle four for babies that I know of. Adoption is more than just saying - I want a baby and the stork appears with your request. If only it were that easy!
With my friend Erica's permission I want to share her recent post There is No "Just" in Adoption because it's everything I think and more. She recently became a momma to a sweet little guy and I couldn't be happier for them. I'd love for you to follow along in their story - it's been awesome to watch God work in their lives!
If you're a parent, either through birth or adoption - you understand the joys your children have brought your family. If you're still praying and longing for a child - know that I "get" that. I stand alongside you in the wait. You're not alone and I'll never think well you know if you "just" do this, take that or quit this or that - you'll end up pregnant. Only God knows the way your life will unfold and His plan is ultimately perfect for you, even if it doesn't seem so at the time. If you're the friend of someone longing to have a child, don't allow yourself to get caught up in the suggestion game. I promise you - we've googled, asked our doctors and read it all - love on them, pray for them, listen TO them, cry with them, laugh with them, whatever they need! We will cherish your friendship if you do!
Have a great Wednesday folks!
I have several friends who have been or still are in varying stages of building their family, either through infertility treatments or adoption. We have often commented that we could write a book and what NOT to say to someone undergoing treatments or trying to adopt. My all time favorite is still - if you just quit worrying about it and just have fun "trying" you'll get pregnant. Well, here's how I know that's not true. I had surgery to remove two damaged fallopian tubes and it's medically impossible for me to "just" get pregnant. And sometimes, even that explanation doesn't quite click. *sigh*. Why didn't I "just" think of that. Be calm, do some yoga, take some deep breaths - who needs fallopian tubes anyway, right?
Another doozy is why don't you "just" adopt. Well, let's see. Adoption isn't any cheaper than IVF when it's all said and done. There aren't any blue light specials on aisle four for babies that I know of. Adoption is more than just saying - I want a baby and the stork appears with your request. If only it were that easy!
With my friend Erica's permission I want to share her recent post There is No "Just" in Adoption because it's everything I think and more. She recently became a momma to a sweet little guy and I couldn't be happier for them. I'd love for you to follow along in their story - it's been awesome to watch God work in their lives!
If you're a parent, either through birth or adoption - you understand the joys your children have brought your family. If you're still praying and longing for a child - know that I "get" that. I stand alongside you in the wait. You're not alone and I'll never think well you know if you "just" do this, take that or quit this or that - you'll end up pregnant. Only God knows the way your life will unfold and His plan is ultimately perfect for you, even if it doesn't seem so at the time. If you're the friend of someone longing to have a child, don't allow yourself to get caught up in the suggestion game. I promise you - we've googled, asked our doctors and read it all - love on them, pray for them, listen TO them, cry with them, laugh with them, whatever they need! We will cherish your friendship if you do!
Have a great Wednesday folks!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Ten Tuesday Thoughts
Yes, I'm late posting again. I am trying to get caught up, I swear! Vacation through this ol' gal for a loop. First world problems, right?
So, without further delay, I give you Ten Tuesday Thoughts.
1. Fever blisters are from the devil. Straight from the pits of hell, I swear. A combination of stressful days, too much such and wonky sunscreen caused an outbreak on Saturday and it has been a bear of a couple of days trying to get a handle on them - today's tip is cooled tea bags actually do provide a little comfort to raw lips.
2. Coming "back to work" even as a part time Nannie after 16 days off is no joke. Not sure if it's my age or the fact that these 3 are challenging from the get go, but this ol' gal was whooped Monday night. Had it not been for a momentary meltdown over pain in my lips and face, I would have been asleep before 10pm last night.
3. My chickens have tripled in size since I left for the beach and they are getting ever so close to laying. However, we have not complete their nesting boxes yet, so I'm hoping they're holding on for a few more days before they start. Right now we are trying to survive the hot July days with watermelon, cucumbers and blocks of ice in their water, but I won't be sad for the low 90s coming after tomorrow for a few days.
4. I have four super sized zucchinis that I have to find a use for tomorrow - they were left on the vine WAY too long and are past the regular use size for sure. I have looked up recipes for zucchini bread, chocolate zucchini cake and zucchini brownies so far. I'd like to try my sister's Vegetti (an as seen on TV product for making "veggie pasta" and see how we like that.
5. My meatless meal last night was sautéed zucchini and onions with garlic in pasta sauce served over pasta with fresh green beans. It was delicious! I had to cut the pasta in small pieces before I ate it due to #1 - open sores and pasta sauce are not your friend.
6. I have three patty pan squash from my garden that I can't wait to taste - they look like flat white pumpkins. The friend I purchased the seedlings from said to slice and eat like regular squash. I'm going to use them somehow in supper on Wednesday.
7. I had toasted coconut ice cream while on vacation and I'd love to find a recipe for it to make it homemade. I also had the Hershey Coconut Chocolate Almond while at the campground and was delish too - I'll be looking for it locally as well!
8. Today is National Junk Food Day. Since I spent 16 days of vacation as if everyday was National Junk Food Day, I think I should refrain from celebrating today. My stretchy shorts are screaming for mercy. Just sayin'
9. Tomorrow I'll be taking a day to cook some zucchini, pull weeds and other garden chores and go to the store as well as finish vacation laundry and do some much needed housework as we get to the end of July. How is that possible?
10. Tomorrow's post will be available in the morning, I hope. I'm sharing a friend's post with a few comments of my own. I'm looking forward to completing it!
Have a great afternoon,
So, without further delay, I give you Ten Tuesday Thoughts.
1. Fever blisters are from the devil. Straight from the pits of hell, I swear. A combination of stressful days, too much such and wonky sunscreen caused an outbreak on Saturday and it has been a bear of a couple of days trying to get a handle on them - today's tip is cooled tea bags actually do provide a little comfort to raw lips.
2. Coming "back to work" even as a part time Nannie after 16 days off is no joke. Not sure if it's my age or the fact that these 3 are challenging from the get go, but this ol' gal was whooped Monday night. Had it not been for a momentary meltdown over pain in my lips and face, I would have been asleep before 10pm last night.
3. My chickens have tripled in size since I left for the beach and they are getting ever so close to laying. However, we have not complete their nesting boxes yet, so I'm hoping they're holding on for a few more days before they start. Right now we are trying to survive the hot July days with watermelon, cucumbers and blocks of ice in their water, but I won't be sad for the low 90s coming after tomorrow for a few days.
4. I have four super sized zucchinis that I have to find a use for tomorrow - they were left on the vine WAY too long and are past the regular use size for sure. I have looked up recipes for zucchini bread, chocolate zucchini cake and zucchini brownies so far. I'd like to try my sister's Vegetti (an as seen on TV product for making "veggie pasta" and see how we like that.
5. My meatless meal last night was sautéed zucchini and onions with garlic in pasta sauce served over pasta with fresh green beans. It was delicious! I had to cut the pasta in small pieces before I ate it due to #1 - open sores and pasta sauce are not your friend.
6. I have three patty pan squash from my garden that I can't wait to taste - they look like flat white pumpkins. The friend I purchased the seedlings from said to slice and eat like regular squash. I'm going to use them somehow in supper on Wednesday.
7. I had toasted coconut ice cream while on vacation and I'd love to find a recipe for it to make it homemade. I also had the Hershey Coconut Chocolate Almond while at the campground and was delish too - I'll be looking for it locally as well!
8. Today is National Junk Food Day. Since I spent 16 days of vacation as if everyday was National Junk Food Day, I think I should refrain from celebrating today. My stretchy shorts are screaming for mercy. Just sayin'
9. Tomorrow I'll be taking a day to cook some zucchini, pull weeds and other garden chores and go to the store as well as finish vacation laundry and do some much needed housework as we get to the end of July. How is that possible?
10. Tomorrow's post will be available in the morning, I hope. I'm sharing a friend's post with a few comments of my own. I'm looking forward to completing it!
Have a great afternoon,
Monday, July 20, 2015
Monday's Vacation Memories - afternoon edition
Well, Monday is here, vacation is over and I'm a bit out of the blogging loop. I took my 2 weeks off and to be honest, my brain is a bit behind the times in keeping up, so I'm going to throw some of my favorite pictures of the vacation up here as a little recap, how 'bout it?
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My handsome hubby and I |
Here are a few more favorites from the week!
Speaking of my chickens - we are officially in countdown mode for Operation Egg Watch - the breeder we purchased them from said they will start laying anytime as early as next week into about the next 6 to 8 weeks - this chicken mama is SUPER excited! We are installing the nesting boxes this week and starting to mix in the layer food to help them be strong and healthy for egg laying soon!
Well, have a great week folks, I'll do my best to get back in the groove this week! :)
Friday, July 3, 2015
Friday Favorites
Vacation is here!!! As I was packing I kept thinking to myself, don't overpack, don't overpack, don't overpack! My "goal" was to get everything in my FAVORITE beach bound monogrammed Thirty One bag. Technically I succeeded. My flip flop tote is full of only clothes. However, for my assortment of shoes and random toiletries I did have to pack a separate tote. Oh well...for 16 days, I still think that's pretty good!

Here we are loaded on ON the road with my FAVORITE 2 dogs and a Suburban filled with food, clothes, tools and supplies for our stay at the campground. I cannot wait to enjoy some quiet days where my biggest concern is what swimsuit am I wearing today! I'll be honest, the hardest part of this vacation is leaving my chickens behind. They are in capable hands but I hate leaving them because nobody takes as good a care of them as me. RC will be home the second week while I am gone so he will get a dose of chicken duty as well!
So...signing off for the weekend...I may not post everyday while we are gone, but you can follow me on Instagram if you like at Born2Crop #copesvacay2015 for pictures of Myrtle Beach fun!
Happy Fourth of July folks and have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Thinking Out Loud Thursday
If you linked over here and got a bad link before - I apologize - don't edit from your phone and overwrite your previous draft - lesson learned the hard way - OOPS!
I am linking up again today for a Thinking Out Thursday post with Vanessa and Penny. Today's post is a little bit of everything from babies to hair color and more! Be sure to stop by the link up and see what the other girls have to say today as well!

If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen this picture, but I love hair therapy days! One of my pre vacation stops was washing the grey out and I was SUPER happy to come out grey free and trimmed up - one step closer to vacation!!!

Anybody else out there directionally challenged? I like to think I'm pretty smart about many things, but I swear I can get lost in a hot minute! Yesterday was no exception and I managed to go the wrong way AGAIN on the new outerbelt in our area. I was supposed to head north on the road to be able to come south and avoid a heavy traffic area by heading directly south. HOWEVER - in my mind, traveling north on a road to head south - that just makes NO sense. After recounting my story to my husband, he decided it was time for a visual lesson on the set up of the road...I wish I could say I understand better, but I still don't get it...*sigh*...I may be the only person in the world needing GPS for a road I travel multiple times a week. Blesss my OWN heart - ha!
This sign I made for my Etsy shop sums it up - Tomorrow is the day my vacation starts! Sun, sand, my favorite people on the planet all in one place...happy, happy, happy! Life IS truly better at the beach! Have a great day folks!
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If you'd like to have one of these beauties at your house - head on over to SmallTownGirlDesign and order it :) |
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Wednesday's Words
Four years ago today, my now husband of almost 4 years took a step out of his comfort zone and drove to the campground to begin our relationship.
In the months (really closer to a year) before this I had been praying and reaching out in his direction because I was feeling like God had brought our paths together after many years (we grew up in the same church and our parents were close friends many, many years ago). There were plenty of times before he came to the beach that I was frustrated because things weren't going the way I wanted and RC just didn't seem to be getting the hint that I liked him as I was visiting his church, hanging out with his family and friends and sitting by the computer in hopes that we would chat that evening on Facebook.
I had been in a ladies' Bible study group studying "Boundaries" by Cloud and Townsend (if you haven't read it, you really should!) and they had prayed over me, over the situation with RC and I had finally decided that I had to let go of my "control" over what I wanted and let God deal with RC's heart if that was His plan. I joined a couple of dating sites, because I knew that I was ready to move forward with my life and didn't want to do it alone, all along, hoping, wish and praying that RC would come around and take a chance on love again with me.
In late June 2011, he did just that when he asked me to dinner (we had met many times for coffee, dinner over the previous months at my invitation) I was THRILLED! I casually asked him to come take a few days off and join us at the beach, honestly never, ever thinking he would really consider it. When I got the text that he was indeed on his way - the craziness of phone calls and texts commenced to my girlfriends saying OMG, OMG, OMG,OMG he's really coming!
We literally stayed up ALL night in the recliners outside my camper talking, catching up, discussing what our relationship might look like and as the sun came up, we walked down to the beach and prayed together over our relationship and that God would lead, guide and direct our paths.
In September, RC asked me to marry him, in October we served on a mission trip together in Sullana, Peru and in December we were married. All of this is testament to God's faithfulness, mercy and grace - and we continue to trust Him to guide our marriage and how we live our lives.
Our favorite Bible verse, and one that pretty much sums up our blessings through our relationship is
Ephesians 3:20-21 20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Y'all have a great day. Be bold and courageous!
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Ten Tuesday Thoughts
1. Living in a busy neighborhood is NOT for me. The folks I Nannie for live in a town home community and the traffic, construction and random workers milling around keeps me on edge. I'll take my quiet street any time!
2. Vacation is in T minus 5 days. I. Am. So. Ready.
3. Hair cut and color is in 2 days. I. Am. Even. More. Ready
4. Leftover squash fritters are NOT yummy. Just a greasy, yucky, not so good part of my lunch.
5. The squash recipe I posted about yesterday was "ok" but I doubt I would make it again. The squash was on the mushy side and I think it needed more in the way of spices.
6. Tuesday is the day. The Easter eggs are coming down. What's that you say? It's almost July 4th. Indeed it is. Crazy how time flies when you're busy and haven't had houseguests in a while to motivate me to get it done! I have an unexpected day off from my Nannie job and it WILL get done!
7. Have you heard of the Sprinkles Cupcake ATM??? How have I not!?!? I read about them over with Lori at and I had to research them....what a neat idea! Sadly there are no locations near me, but maybe one day!
8. Anyone else need a break from the Facebook, news, Twitter, etc. drama over gay marriage, confederate flags and whatever other political drama is going on. *sigh* Take a deep breath folks. Think before you type.
9. I want to download this book I heard about on Candace Bure's Instagram page - and there are a couple more by Darlene Schacht that look interesting as well. I'll report back what I think of them.
10. I just ordered this border set for my scrapbook to use on the pages introducing my flock of chickens and I can't wait to use it! How cute is this!?! If you're a scrapbooker and on Facebook, I started a page last year to make/sell/swap scrapbook borders and page decorations - if you search for Borders, Tags, Cards and More you'll find it (request to join and I'll add you!)
I hope you have a great day!
Monday, June 29, 2015
Monday Memos
It's Monday again - how in the world did it get here so fast? This weekend was a blur for me, I don't know about y'all, but shew! The countdown is on for vacation this Friday...sixteen days of sitting my fanny in my beach chair or on my campsite, and I am so ready.

We finally had rain Saturday...and a bit of a break from the crazy high temperatures of the last few weeks and I'm SO thankful for both. The ground was so hard and dry from no rain at all that it had a hard time soaking it all in and we had standing water everywhere! This is a peek out my back door at the rain, the garden and my chicken coop - and I was so excited to see the whole yard get a little wet! Speaking of garden - look at these lovelies that I finally got to pick in addition to 4 cucumbers - this girl is super happy!
The girls weren't crazy about the rain and spent a lot of time in the coop on Saturday, but they did manage to get a little dust bath pit dug out for themselves - this picture was taken at bedtime - Gracie Lou showed her booty and said NO to a picture and is turned around backwards...and the rest are probably thinking "mom, what the heck is that bright flash? Let us go to bed already!"
I was able to play groupie to my favorite bass player on Sunday when he was asked to help out a band in my hometown for the day. I got to hug a bunch of necks of folks I haven't seen in years and it was pretty awesome to see them. It's funny how years, age and just forgetful minds can make it seem like no time has passed at all. Many of them I went to church with growing up and due to a church split (which I don't wish on my worst enemy) I haven't spent much time with them in over 10 years. Their pastor spoke on several current events and the things that stuck with me after service was the analogy of laying down in front of those far from God, clinging to their knees and trying to share His love and mercy with them. We don't have to agree with everyone, but we are called to share the good news with those who haven't heard. Hell is real and our God is bigger. It's not too late because He hasn't come back yet! Be bold and courageous in YOUR community!

We finally had rain Saturday...and a bit of a break from the crazy high temperatures of the last few weeks and I'm SO thankful for both. The ground was so hard and dry from no rain at all that it had a hard time soaking it all in and we had standing water everywhere! This is a peek out my back door at the rain, the garden and my chicken coop - and I was so excited to see the whole yard get a little wet! Speaking of garden - look at these lovelies that I finally got to pick in addition to 4 cucumbers - this girl is super happy!

The girls weren't crazy about the rain and spent a lot of time in the coop on Saturday, but they did manage to get a little dust bath pit dug out for themselves - this picture was taken at bedtime - Gracie Lou showed her booty and said NO to a picture and is turned around backwards...and the rest are probably thinking "mom, what the heck is that bright flash? Let us go to bed already!"

My meatless Monday meal includes this Pinterest find and you can check the recipe out here. I'll let you know how it turns out! I have been hankering a buttermilk pie, so I think that's on tap for this week as well...

Monday's music includes some oldie goldie praise songs like "Mighty to Save" taken from Zephaniah 3:17 - we sang that at the church my husband played at Sunday and it's been stuck in my head since...and I still like it. Another rolling around in my head is Gungor's "Beautiful Things", I just love that one too! Here it is if you haven't heard it before...
Our worship team cracked the mold a bit yesterday and did this song - it's a David Crowder song, and a bit off our norm, but kinda cool... Enjoy!
Time for some Not Me thoughts for the week...
I certainly didn't make a trip to the only Walmart in town ON A SATURDAY to get a watermelon for my chickens, nope, Not me...that's insanity right there!
I didn't have my husband take me back to Target to buy the bathing suit top I didn't get on my last trip because it has a crochet decoration on the front that I love, though I am almost certain it won't wash well...but it's super cute and I really liked it is in case you are a plus size gal like me and in the market for a bathing suit top - not that I would encourage impulse shopping or anthing, not me!
I certainly didn't upgrade my phone at the Verizon store Friday night and end up with a $700 phone, paying $30 a month on their new Edge plan - because NO sane person pays that much for a phone, do they, I think NOT! But I got the Galaxy Note 4, which will be outdated in October, but I sure do like it. But $700...sheesh?!?! I liken cell phone stores to used car lots....yuck!
That's all for today folks! Join me tomorrow for Ten Tuesday thoughts...Have a great day!
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