Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday Ramblings

This has been a crazy week!  Snow and ice out the wazoo, daycare schedule all whacked out, last day for Aanais (whom I didn't get to see on her last day due to snow and ice), first day for Collin and a housefull of boys on a Wednesday.

Four boys to be exact.  Jude, Tanner, Connor and Collin...and every one of them is ALL boy.  This is a new chapter in my daycare, having never had more boys than girls at any given time.  I'm looking forward to more cars and trucks, two more rounds of boy potty training and of course hugs and kisses!

The snow and ice has finally begun to melt and we are supposed to make it to a whopping 42 degrees today, which is almost a heat wave!  I have not left the house since Sunday and I admit, I'm getting a little bit of cabin fever.

We've had several serious prayer requests from church families this morning, so I've been praying for them and ask you to do the same if you feel so inclined.

I need to upload my last few days of Project 365 and will do that while the boys sleep today.  I need to check out some other blogger's pages and see how they are doing theirs because I'm already losing track of how many pics I've posted.

My cousin Summer is nearing her delivery date and I absolutely cannot wait to see what their little princess looks like!  She has her own blog if you'd like to mosey on over and check it out as well...

I'm still procrastinating about the final touches on my "Crazy Love" lesson for my women's group on Monday (rescheduled a week due to the weather - a procrastinator's  I have enjoyed the chapter, but am still a little unsure how to get some discussion going about the chapter.  I did find a helpful handout online that had some discussion starters on it, so I may use some of that.  I'll share what I come up with.  It's really a great book...check it out!

Well I've rambled on long enough.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!


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