Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Blog Challenge - Accepted!
Ok, blogland friends - I have accepted this challenge through NaBloPoMo - you can read about their site here. It requires me to post Monday through Friday, so we shall see! I have listed the prompts for the month below! Happy New Year everyone!
Thursday, January 1, 2015
What are your resolutions for the new year? Tell us how you picked them.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Do you usually keep your resolutions? Tell us about a time when you were particularly successful.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Tell us about your worst habit?
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Have you ever tried to break a habit and failed? What made it so difficult to break?
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Do you have any good habits that were hard to start but you're happy you worked to build them?
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Tell us about the habit you wished you had. What stops you from trying to build it into your daily life?
Friday, January 9, 2015
Do you think you have more good habits or bad habits?
Monday, January 12, 2015
Do you enjoy repetition, or do you always need change?
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Do you tend to order the same thing at restaurants? Or do you like to jump around the menu?
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Do you need to always find new music, authors, or actors, or do you stick with what you already know you like?
Thursday, January 15, 2015
If you had to read the same book year after year after year, what would it be?
Friday, January 16, 2015
Similar to yesterday, if you had to watch the same movie every single month for the next 10 years, what would it be?
Monday, January 19, 2015
Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." What do you think he meant by this statement?
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Twyla Tharp said that creativity is a habit. Do you agree or disagree?
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Hippocrates famously said: "Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least to do no harm." Add one more important habit to his list.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Olympic medalist Jim Ryun said: "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." Where do you find the motivation to start a new habit?
Friday, January 23, 2015
Mary Martin said, "Stop the habit of wishful thinking and start the habit of thoughtful wishes." What do you think is the difference?
Monday, January 26, 2015
Do you feel chained or released by your habits?
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Tell us about your morning routine. What is one thing you want to change?
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Tell us about your night routine. What is one thing you could never imagine changing about it?
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Do you think of yourself as a creature of habit or a change monster?
Friday, January 30, 2015
Are you still keeping the resolutions you made at the beginning of the month? Why or why not?
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Holiday Blues
I have actually bought a few presents already, and the Christmas music has been playing in the car and around the house. But for some reason, I am just not in the Christmas mood yet. I am pretty sure it has to do with how overwhelmed I feel at the moment with everything in my life that "needs" to be done with the limited amount of hours I have between now and the end of the year to do them.
I miss my daycare kids and the holiday traditions we had, decorating the tree, making silly crafts for them to give to their parents...I recently saw a reindeer hand we made one year on a Christmas tree picture posted on Instagram and it made me smile, but also a little sad too. Sad because I want that for our family...a child to have traditions with, to share our story with, pass our history on to.
Maybe that isn't God's plan for me, or His timing isn't exactly what I had hoped. This is yet to be seen. I am just not in the let's decorate it with glitter and bows and pretend it's all okay place today. Or yesterday. Or last week. Well, you get the point.
I have been mulling over this passage of scripture from Hebrew 19:13 and following. Trying to focus on the promises of God to never leave me nor forsake me and work things for His good in my life. So that's where I leave it for today. Praying that God's direction and plan for my life will be the forefront this Christmas season. And everyday beyond that.
The Certainty of God's Promise
13 For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself, 14 saying, “Surely I will bless you and multiply you.” 15 And thus Abraham,[b] having patiently waited, obtained the promise. 16 For people swear by something greater than themselves, and in all their disputes an oath is final for confirmation. 17 So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath, 18 so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. 19 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, 20 where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Some days...
- I want to be a kid again, where someone else is responsible for the bills and grocery shopping and laundry
- I want to be 25 again and trust my gut (and my friends) when they question whether or not I should get married to husband #1 - turns out I knew I knew better and I paid the price many times over for my stubbornness
- I wish I knew that having a baby was going to be this hard and waiting until 40 to start fertility treatments would be awful, frustrating and heartbreaking
- I wish I had learned to budget and not spending money on random crap that I am now either donating or selling for a fraction of what I spent - it would be money I could use for fertility treatments
- I wish I would have been able to start a relationship with my precious RC earlier in my life. My marriage to him is such a blessing and it would have been awesome to be his wife a few years earlier.
- I want magical cleaning powers to organize, clean out and throw away the items that still need to be gone through in my childhood home to get it ready to sell. It's just overwhelming
- I wish there was indeed a way to lose weight and get in shape and still enjoy cooking and eating and not have to sweat like a crazy person.
- I wish I had the Better Homes and Gardens yard that I would love to sit in and enjoy the nature around me. A yard without weeds, bugs and no green pool full of would be so nice.
- I dream of a world where there is no sorrow, no grief and no heartache. I would love to protect the ones I love from ever experiencing loss and pain.
- I long to be more disciplined in most areas of my life. Journaling, prayer time, exercise, house name a few.
- I wish I could pack in our travel trailer and see the country. Just set out and go for the fun of it. Who needs a job, right? Oh wait. Yeah - I guess we'd have to fund it somehow.
- I would love to have the knack for extreme couponing, or at least extreme enough to get laundry detergent, razors, shampoo and conditioner...things that are ridiculously overpriced to begin with.
- I wish I had paid more attention to my mom and her sewing skills. I would love to be able to take a pattern and craft an outfit of my own. Clothes are expensive! And plus size clothes are even MORE expensive!
Hugs and Love from SC,
Friday, May 9, 2014
Happy Non Mother's Day
I have questioned writing this post. And questioned posting it. And questioned pulling it back down. But since it IS my blog, and this IS my story...well, let's just let it ride, shall we?
I don't have an earthly mother. She passed away on October 8, 1996. I really don't have the words to tell you how I would have done things differently with her. Appreciated her more. Treated her better. Not been a teenage brat. Especially after my dad died earlier in the year before her. We had some awful yelling matches that summer. She was grieving, I was grieving, it was ugly. I was in a relationship, engaged to a man I would end up marrying 3 years later, knowing that I shouldn't, and end up divorcing as unhappy as I was when I got married. Mother's Day is hard. I don't get to celebrate all the things my mom was to me but I was too bratty to tell her, too self centered to acknowledge how she had gone to school to be a nurse, gave up her career to be a mom and then provide loving childcare for many children who are still near and dear to me. I didn't appreciate her then like I should have. And now I can't because she's gone and that sucks. Like, seriously sucks.
I am not a mom. Despite two awful rounds of IVF and over 100 shots and countless internal ultrasounds, I am still not able to be a mom. I have two frozen embryos in cryostorage that are not deemed viable due to chromosome issues. But my heart hurts because they are mine. A boy and a girl. And there is nothing I can do about it. But sit and cry and grieve the children I won't ever meet. Struggle with the fact that according to the fertility clinic they are biological waste caught in limbo while we wait for my doctor to do as he promised and give a picture of the tube that they are in so that I have something to hold on to. 1000s of dollars, many more tears than I can count and an empty womb are what I have left. And that sucks too.
I have a wonderful husband. A truly blessed marriage. And sometimes I feel guilty for not being appreciative enough of that, not being content with the blessing of my marriage. Maybe it is enough. Maybe I don't need to be a mom to feel complete. Maybe I should be thankful that God has given me RC and just move on with our lives as non-parents. The things I have saved over the years, baby clothes, favorite toys, things I would like to pass on to my child...they taunt me at my house...and some days I feel like I should get rid of all of it. Accept the fact that I'm not going to be a mom and let it go. We need to get my house cleaned out and on the market, and yet it sits with remnants of my daycare...things I wanted to hold onto for my child and use when they were this age or that, because I had used them for 17 years with the babies I loved on for my job. There are boxes of photos and memorabilia from my childhood, from my parents lives...if I have no children to pass them onto...what happens to them? Garbage? Good will? I just can't fathom it. I guess I won't have to when my time comes...but the thought of not having a child to pass on the memories of my parents or the crazy things I did as a teenager (or maybe not too many details of that, right?) just makes me sad. I never imagined I would not be a mom. Not be able to celebrate Mother's Day as a mom. And while the door is not shut completely, it is a big mountain to climb financially, emotionally and regarding time as I am not getting any younger.
I trust God to give me what He has planned for my life. I really do deep down in my heart. I know that He will never leave me nor forsake me. That selfish side of me want to hold onto the dream of being a mom, having that homemade card from my preschooler with their handprint for mother's day hanging on the fridge. Maybe that isn't God's plan for me. I still don't know. Until then, my husband and I will continue to pray for God's will in our lives, for guidance on how to proceed this fall, on how to prepare in the meantime.
Happy Mother's Day to all those who have children. And to all those who read this and are not mothers...I know you understand my heart and I know the empty ache in yours all too well. I am praying for you too this Mother's Day.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Monday Musing
Raised my hands up to the Father
Gave it all to him that day
Felt a new wind kiss my face
Walked away, Eyes wide open
Could finally see where I was going
It didn't matter where I'd been
I'm not the same man I was then
I got off track, I made mistakes
Back slid my way into that place where souls get lost
Lines get crossed
and the pain won’t go away
I hit my knees, Now here I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am
I got a lot of “Hey, I’m sorry”s
The things I’ve done
Man, that was not me
I wish that I could take it all back
I just want to tell em’ that
Tell 'em that
I got off track, I made mistakes
Back slid my way into that place where souls get lost
Lines get crossed
and the pain won’t go away
I hit my knees, Now here I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am
I'm changed for the better
More smiles, less bitter
I'm even starting to forgive myself
I hit my knee, I’m here I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am, Here I am, Here I am
Yes I am
I’m changed for the better.
Thank God I'm changed.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Confessional Friday
This has been a quick week for me, it hardly feels like it should be Friday again already. It is indeed almost the weekend and thus time to link up again with Leslie at for a Confessional Friday.
- I confess that I haven't blogged this week because I've just been a slacker. I have had a semi busy week, but still could have made time to blog and just didn't. I have no excuses. Moving on.
- I confess that this article that was circulated via Facebook this week resonated so much with me and where I am right now with the two embryos we have in cryostorage that are unusable. I am so torn...they are mine...even though they are not deemed viable. I struggle so much with them being medical waste and with moving on to whatever lies next for us in our path to become parents. This process is hard. I had no idea.
- I confess that I have an appointment with my fertility doctor today and I am nervous, excited and a little scared. More hesitant than scared probably, but still. I stumbled upon this picture of my maternal grandmother, my mom, my sister and myself yesterday and it makes me sad to think we may have to use a donor egg to be able to have a child and I won't be able to pass along the genes pictured here. No, it's not the worst thing ever, and yes, I "should" be able to get pregnant with a non 40 year old egg. But it still makes me sad. We will see what the doctor has to say today regarding where we go from here.
- I confess that I miss my job. Not really the "job" part of it, but the interacting with my kids and parents (some of them) and just getting to love on them every day. I do think that I was meant to be a caregiver, a momma just feels right to me, like it's a part of me that is who I am. This picture is from a field trip with part of my herd way back when and it just makes me smile. I loved seeing their faces when they did things for the first time, like riding a horse...they are moments I'll treasure forever.
- I confess that my husband is super excited about the new building we are undertaking with our church and I am somewhat more reserved because I know with a new building it equals more people and there are a lot of folks at NRCC now. I love that our pastor says we aren't building a monument, a shrine or some fancy palace, and that the new building is a tool for reaching the unchurched in the Lake Wylie area and I think that's perfect. I do sometimes miss the small church feel I had at my home church which usually had 100 or less folks a week. Our God is big and He will show me how to continue to nurture the relationships I have and use them for His glory...I just need to get out of the way I suppose. It's something I'm praying about! Here's a pic of my hubby videotaping the curing concrete pad on the new church can't see his face, but he was pretty pumped...and that makes me smile.
- I confess that this Nannie is getting old. In the next month I'll go to the wedding of one of "my" kids and help another with her house warming party for her first home. It's amazing that God has allowed me to be a part of these two girls' lives for this long...they came to our house way back in 1990 and 1991 and they are grown women now, both having graduated college and I couldn't be more proud of them. Here they are back in 2001...and I still remember these goofy smiles...ohhhh, it makes my heart happy to see them so happy now.
- I confess I am marinating in this verse today...Someone on my friends list on facebook posted I sharing in the hopes of encouraging one of you too! Have a wonderful day fellow bloggers...hugs and love from SC!
Isaiah 40:31
The Message (MSG)27-31 Why would you ever complain, O Jacob,
or, whine, Israel, saying,
“God has lost track of me.
He doesn’t care what happens to me”?
Don’t you know anything? Haven’t you been listening?
God doesn’t come and go. God lasts.
He’s Creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn’t get tired out, doesn’t pause to catch his breath.
And he knows everything, inside and out.
He energizes those who get tired,
gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out,
young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
they walk and don’t lag behind.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Confessional Friday
All righty, this week I'll actually be linking up to the blog I mentioned last week at with some others confessing our little hearts out. My sister has done one as well at so check it out! Welcome to any newbies who have wandered by my blog :-)
Here's my top five for this week.
1) I confess that I procrastinated us into another month of cryostorage for my two little embryos deemed not transferable due to abnormalities because I am trying to see if they can give me a picture of them or of their storage container...something I can have as a reminder that they did exist before moving to the next IVF cycle. *Sigh* Makes me sad and costs us $50.
2) I confess that I took a whole day this week and worked on seat favors for the weekend crop I am hosting in two weeks and they turned out super cute, don't you think? I also confess that I can't move the picture up here on my phone for some see the cute picture at the bottom, please!
3)I confess that I did some old releationship purging therapy yesterday and threw away many cards, pictures and just stuff from waaaay back with husband number one. And then I dreamed last night that I was his housekeeper and nanny and that my sister and I completely rearranged his kitchen for some reason. What in the world? (Note: we actually get along and I am not angry or anything with him anymore, but I am surely not gonna be his housekeeper)
4) I confess that I am overwhelmed with 17 years of pictures from being a Nannie and family pictures, memorabilia, etc that I have been pouring through this week. I want to document those years of my life, but the sheer volume is crazy and then I think if my husband and I are are unable to have a child when it is all said and done ~ what will happen to those scrapbooks? Yup. Trash. Soooo the dilemma continues. For now, I am STILL sorting.
5) I confess that I am super excited about getting in some Nannie time today with my favorite Peyton and Haila. I definitely miss those two! I got to spend a little time with their baby sister earlier this week...she's a mess! Here she is cheesing it up with me!
Confessional Friday
I've got 5 confessions for this here goes.
1) I confess that I should be dressed, out the door and headed north right now to go work on cleaning out the other house we own in NC so that it can be put on the market. Can you say class A number 1 procrastinator. Well that's me. I excel at procrastination. Seriously.
2) I confess that I am struggling with filling out the paperwork to dispose of (what an awful, awful phrase) the embryos we have in cryostorage that were tested and came back abnormal and unusable for IVF transfer. I know we have to do it, lest we pay another $50 to store them another month. But knowing that I have these two embryos, a piece of myself and my husband, a boy and a girl, and I am signing a legal document to throw them just unglues me. They both have incompatible with life genetic abnormalities and would likely (like 90%) end in first trimester miscarriage. And I don't want that. But I think of the 100+ shots and the $1000s of dollars spent over the last 7 months and it just makes me sick to my stomach to think about it. So I am procrastinating.
3) I confess that I ate 4, yes FOUR, Reese's egg yesterday. I knew I shouldn't have opened the %&*# bag. But I did it anyway...and I have no willpower...especially when dealing with things like #2 and my impending period and just feeling overwhelmed. Those little gems, as yummy as they are packing 90 calories, 5g fat (2g saturated fat) 65mg sodium and 8g of sugar EACH. Yeah, I'm not even gonna do the collective math. It's bad, let's just leave it at that.
4) I confess that I had lunch with a fellow leader at my church and learned about some new health options to look at in my quest to try and turn around this being fat and filling my body full of crap thing. She talked about dry skin brushing, detox baths, oil pulling, natural detox, apple cider vinegar shots and MORE. I spent a chunk of the afternoon googling and looking up things on Pinterest. I'll report those finding in another blog post in the near future.
5)I confess that I am in love with my new spring banner that I crafted on Wednesday and the random spring decor that is popping up around my house this week. Here's a collage what's up at my house this week.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Dream Job
What is my dream job and why?
I would have to do a mash up choice here. I would like to be a stay at home mom who makes cute crafty scrapbooks and home decor items to sell on Etsy all while being a "part time" student studying culinary arts, gardening and foreign languages including french, spanish, italian and whatever language they speak in Kenya so that I can be in the mission field in my spare time.
Well,'s my blog. So I can pick any dream job I want, right? So there it is. In a perfect world, where I had unlimited resources and time...that's what I would choose.
Why? Well my dream is to be a mom. That's no secret. And if I could only pick one thing, that would be it. I long to hold my child in arms and that would top the list of dreams in any category. I love to craft, garden and cook and would love to travel to other countries and spend time immersed in new cultures and be able to communicate in their native language. I would love to return to the mission field and be able to share God's love without using an interpreter. I loved Omar and he was a lifesaver my first trip, but I would have LOVED to speak to those precious children in their native tongue.
What a fun post to think about! Have a great day!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
5 Things That Are Making Me Happy (right now)
Monday, March 10, 2014
10 Random Things
I have taken a blog break for those who have noticed the past month. We had some bad news regarding IVF results (coming soon to a blog post near you) so I just needed a brain break. And then one one week turns into two and then four. But today is a new day. I looked up blog challenges online to help jumpstart some daily ideas.
Today I am going to tackle 10 Random Things About, here we go.
1) I am married for the second time to a wonderful man I knew from childhood but had lost touch with for more than 20 years and reconnected on Facebook
2)I was an in home child care provider from 1996 to 2012. I changed a LOT of diapers. But I loved my job. Most days.
3)I have a marketing degree from UNC Charlotte. I graduated in 2004 after 12 years of full and then part time course work. I have never been employed in my field of study, but I did complete the degree!
4)I have two four legged children who are Pekingeses. Maximillan Chase and Madeline Grace (Max and Maddie ~unless they are in trouble)
5)I love pictures and scrapbooking and crafting in general. I am a consultant for Ahni & Zoe (previously Creative Memories) You can check that out at if you like
6)I dream of one day traveling to Australia and Europe.
7)I love decorating my home, but am not particularly talented at favorite decorating themes right now are turqoiuse or tiffany blue, brown and burlap accents.
8)I am afraid of the dark (still have a night light, but I am ok with that) and bugs that jump or fly erratically.
9)I would love to have time and resources to travel the US in an RV and see different parts of the country. I have only been to NC, SC, GA, MO, NY, FL, TN, VA, TX, HI and to Washington, DC.
10)If I won the lottery, I would get out of debt, pay off my sister's debt, set up college funds for my daycare kids, do more rounds of IVF and adopt, buy a house at the beach, the NC mountains and travel on mission trips with my husband.
Well, there you have it. Have a blessed day!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
New Day - Better Attitude
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Infertility Sucks!
We had our second round of egg retrieval yesterday. It was a long day, but I spent much of the afternoon sleeping off the pain meds. We were told at my last ultrasound that we were looking at 10 follicles. 6 on one side and 4 on the other. They only retrieved 5 eggs and the report we got this morning was that only three were mature and only two of those fertilized. After 60ish shots, 5 ultrasounds and more bloodwork than I can remember...we have 2 embryos. Best case is they both grow like they are supposed to. So that's what we pray now. That God has a plan for us and He will work that out with the embryos we have. Waiting is maddening. Crying is plentiful, especially today, though unproductive in the big scheme. I am waiting to talk to my nurse to see if something went wrong, or if they can tell me why my bloodwork and ultrasounds seemed good, yet the outcome was poor. Very frustrating to say the least. So now we pray and trust God.
My poor hand...the nurse was very thorough in the taping.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Almost time
Today marked my fifth internal ultrasound in a week. Yeah. Not fun. But today I hopefully had my last one for this cycle. Tomorrow is just bloodwork and the egg retrieval is Tuesday morning at 9:30am. Praying for great eggs this time and lots of healthy embryos.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Snow Day
We did indeed get between 1 and 2 inches of snow last night...yay!
I was able to watch it snow after dark because RC rigged up the shop light onto the porch so I could see into our dark yard. He really is awesome!
Thankfully he can work from home and is here safe and sound. I am fighting a nasty headache today courtesy of my hormone shots. Boo!
Thankful for the snow and the safety of the ones I love. Be blessed today everyone!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Infertility "Fun"
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Catching up...
I am behind on blogging, but this time I have some pretty good reasons. RC was sick, then I got sick, now RC is sick again. I started my cycle, so it's game on for the second round of IVF. This is why I am blogging at 6am on a Saturday, because I have to do shots at 6:30am and pm. Fun times. We are doing a different protocol this time that jumps right in to stimulation meds in the hope of a better response rate since we had just one embryo at the end of our first cycle. I am nervous, already hating the internal ultrasounds and bloodwork, and really just praying that we are able to move to transfer this cycle. My nurse said if all goes well and as planned, we would do the embryo transfer the first week of April. We were blessed to have an answered prayer in the finances of the cycle this time, having to considerably less at the moment because of some insurance lags, but we will take it!
Missing "my" babies this week...just the everyday laughs and craziness that went along with my job. It's hard to see them growing up via Instagram pictures or Tango chats, but I truly hope and pray that this time next year we will have a little one of our own.
I am off to do.some Bible study homework for Tuesday while all is quiet. Enjoy some pics of the first day of meds...
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Catching up with pictures
I am behind. Again. So here is what I have been doing the past few days. Took my niece out, made some custom order party favors and some goodies for my Fish Camp ladies.
Friday, January 10, 2014
It was bound to happen...
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Not the Day I Planned
Today I was headed to work on our other house and run some NC errands. But this morning we found out our niece had some complications from her tonsil surgery last week and had been admitted to the local children's hospital. So I headed up there for the day. I managed not to get lost going to the hospital, but ended up in the wrong parking deck and building. Oh well. Here are some pics from the day. I hate hospitals. But at least I was able to be a good aunt for the day.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
What Day is it? What Day is it?
One of my new favorites songs is actually not new, but I am totally digging it...So I'll leave you with it today, check it out here
Monday, January 6, 2014
Monday Devotional Thoughts
Well, how about that? That steps on my toes a little for sure! I am making plans for our invitro, for vacations, for house renovations...trivial everyday stuff...all the time. How about the important stuff. Drawing closer to a relationship with God? Seeking His will for my life. Sure, I think about it. But is it a today could be my last day on earth kinda thing? Nope. I have things I'd like to do before God returns. Like be a mom. Like clean out our other house and get it on the market. Like lose weight. Priorities. Hmm.
Now I'm not gonna beat myself up over this, because I believe that satan would love nothing more than to put that thought in my head, to convince me I'm not able to please God, to be "good enough". Well, what I do know is that I don't have to be good enough. God sent His Son, to die for me. I can't be good enough, do good enough, read my Bible enough or go to church enough. It doesn't work that way. God sent His Son to die so that my sins were forgiven. He only asks me to follow Him. Repent of my sins. Seek a relationship with Him. It's not rocket science. But, it does require a commitment from me. So for that...I will move this thought forward...
What if today was my last day? Have I done all I can do to reach people for Jesus? Seek Him out and praise Him? On the days that the answer is no, I will lean back on His grace is sufficient for me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
Blessings, S
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Lazy Sunday
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Random Saturday Thoughts
Last night we watched "The Princess and the Frog" with the kids on Disney. I have to say I was quite disappointed with the voodoo, black magic and evil spirits that the movie focused on and around. Now, I am all for Aladdin's magic carpet or Cinderella's bippity, boppity, boo. But this movie rubbed me the wrong way. I just don't like the reality of voodoo and the witchcraft theme in a Disney movie and it will not be one we own in our house. Ever. While it may be a cartoon, the devil and evil are real and I won't choose to have that around for my kids or others to watch. This movie came out a few years ago and following a quick search on google, I see that it did indeed meet with some controversy when released and I am not suprised. Just suprised me I guess at how dark it really was. As for me and my house, we choose no.
Christmas decor is down and the scattering of snowflakes are making their way out of the boxes for the month of January. I am tempted to make this for my mantle. Love it!
For tonight, that is all. Blessings to all those who pass by here!
Friday, January 3, 2014
Baby, it's cold outside!
This morning it is windy and cold (22 degrees and 12 with the wind chill). It is my opinion that if it going to be this cold, there needs to be snow on the ground! At any rate, I am glad that I do not work an outside job, and I am so sad for the many outdoor pets who are not properly being cared for, like my neighbor's dog who lives his whole life outside chained to a post :-(
I am increasingly frustrated with the lack of communication from the fertility office while we await our next retrieval cycle, all the while there have been 3 pregnancy announcements via Facebook this week. Lovely. I am happy for them. Really I am. *sigh*
Tonight I'll be having a Nannie sleepover with three sweet children and I can't wait! We are going to eat pizza for supper and head back across the border for bedtime. Currently two are entranced in a movie, but little K is willing to cheese it up! Next up? Bedtime x's 3.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Back to Reality
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year from the Copes!
Well, 2014 is here! We rang in the New Year with family and friends and I can't wait to see what this year holds for us. Praying for God's blessing on all of those who read this.