Happy Monday to you! I am typing this on Monday morning if that gives you any indication of how crazy my weekend was! We celebrated Father's Day on Friday with my father in law at a local favorite because it worked out better for the rest of the family's schedule this week. Here's my precious RC with his mom and dad. My inlaws can be a colorful bunch, but I am thankful that my husband has a great relationship with his parents and that they are still with us, they are a blessing to all of us.
My brother in law gave my father in law these goggle/magnifying glasses for Father's Day, we laughed so hard at him trying them on! They are called Zoomies and he loved them! And as you can see by his shirt - he sure does love his glasses :)
My daddy has been gone since 1996, but I think of him often and really wish I could have spent the day celebrating him as well, but that's just not the plan God had for our family. Here's a picture of my parents, one of the last of them together, with my godparents, and another of my daddy being silly while my mom looks off from the camera, which was often the case when her picture was being made. I miss them both terribly and took a sabbatical from social media on Mother's and Father's Days, not because I don't want to see others post about their parents, but just as a little bit of self preservation - it's just hard.
Saturday, we celebrated my sweet daycare child Lane and her high school graduation with a cookout to honor her. I made her a scrapbook of her years at my house for her gift - what sweet memories came with each picture that I adhered in her book - gosh, they grow up fast!!!
On to Sunday and celebrating my dearest friend's not so little, little girl, Samantha, who turned 10 with a Maleficent themed movie night with pizza, snacks and of course yummy cake and ice cream! My friend Julie, Samantha's aunt, made the super cute cake and it was DELISH! How adorable are the popcorn cupcakes! They had a little popcorn popper and candy for movie time - so fun!
We are not having a meatless Monday meal today, however, I have some squash and zucchini to use up, so I'm going to make this...it looks delicious! I have a bag of Colby jack shredded cheese, so I'll be using that - can't wait to see how it turns out!

I don't have any new music this week - I'm still hanging onto last week's finds - so if you'd like to see those again (or for the first time) you can find them here
Last, but not least a couple of Not Me Mondays for ya:
I have neglected my master bedroom so bad for a couple of weeks, not hanging my clothes up, shoes everywhere, just being busy and lazy....I certainly did not take a few pictures before cleaning it up yesterday so I could blog about it, nope, not me! Good news is, my dresser was not dusty - because the dust couldn't get to it...LOL! And I finally put away my beach bag from Memorial Day - I mean who does that? Not me, of course!
I certainly haven't been stalking my garden every day, waiting for signs of anything actually growing, thinking - I am wasting all this water for nothing, but FINALLY I see a few things growing YAY! Who takes pictures of their vegetables, not me of course, no way!
I certainly haven't been picturing this meme in my mind for a couple of weeks since I have been so busy, so tired, so whiny, so fussy, etc...I have some big panties, I tell ya - and this has been true, even if I don't like it to be. I go on vacation in 2 weeks for 2 weeks, surely I'm not complaining about my spoiled first world life, no way, not me!
Have a great Monday y'all - it's a hot one here in the Carolinas - I'll be enjoying it from the A/C thank you very much!
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