Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ten Tuesday Thoughts

Here's this week's Ten Tuesday Thoughts - a random collection of things going on in my little ol' brain...

One:  It's hot, like really hot, in my area this week.  The next SIXTEEN days are 98 degrees or so and for June - that's pretty yucky.  Our seasons are quite out of whack and while they are record setting heat days, for mid June - I am NOT fan. 

Two:  I have three friends on Facebook with busted air conditioners for the hottest days of the year so far...I can't even imagine! one has 3 small children and the other two have 2 and one is 34 weeks pregnant - that's no good!  Bring on the A/C for this girl!

Three:  I have been "retired" for lack of a better word from being a Nannie for a couple of years...in the last month I have started watching 3 kids from our church a couple a days a week - here's what I've learned...I am out of practice, watching kids in my house is WAY different than in someone else's home and I have gotten VERY accustomed to not having to be on a set schedule and some mornings I am STRUGGLING to get out that door on time!

Four:  When communicating with my husband, sometimes we just totally miss the mark understanding each other completely (not on big stuff, but the everyday - I need you to do this, buy this, find this, etc).  Monday morning's case in point...I heard my husband say that the water to the sprinklers was off and took that to mean that it was off at the spout.  So I went to the garden (our spout is set to come on at 8am) and opened up the valve on the sprinkler and the water was ON and I got a face full of water. Then I proceeded over to the chicken coop to turn on the sprayer nozzle attached on that side and managed to turn the other sprinkler on once again drenching myself.  At this point I am so mad - dripping wet and have to leave for work in 45 minutes.  When I called my husband on the way - he swears up and down he said  the water is ON and you just need to open the sprinkler back up before it cycles on, completely understanding himself - fat lot of good that did for me! :)  Lesson learned!

Five:  I hate ants.  Like really, seriously wonder why they made the ark!  Where we live has more than it's fair share of any kind of ant you can imagine. In the yard, in the house, in my garden, in my flowers, well, you get the idea.  I found this little little gems online and if you can handle every ant from a tri state area coming to crawl through it - they really work and are reasonably priced.  The picture to the right is NOT an exaggeration - it will FREAK you out when they start crawling and letting their friends know where the food is at...but every ant that takes a bite is one less that is in your cupboard, bath tub, wherever!  I buy them at Wal-Mart in a 4 pack.  They work, but you have to resist the urge to smoosh all 1,000,000,000 of them when you see them.

Image result for terro liquid ant bait      
Six:  I leave for vacation in a couple of weeks and my bag from Memorial Day is still sitting on the bench at the foot of my bed.  That's just how crazy life has been around these parts - at least it's a cute Thirty One flip flop pattern to look at right?  Why put it away now, it will be time to start packing it back soon!
Seven:  My husband bought a new toilet seat over the weekend and you know you're getting old when that excites you.  We had one that was padded and cushy the last time, and it just didn't last and became cracked and gross looking...enough that I started using the guest bathroom to avoid it.  He installed it last night and I am pretty stinking happy about that - and I'm not sure what that says about me or my life....*sigh*
Eight:  I grilled some chicken to serve over salads for supper tonight after making breakfast for the hubby this morning.  It's going to be 100 degrees today and I am NOT adding any more heat to this house by firing up the oven or stove tonight.  So grilled chicken salad it is!  Plus, I have to work today and basically refer to Number 3 - this ol' girl is out of practice and tired at the end of the day!
Nine:  Trying to keep my chickens hydrated amidst this crazy heat wave has been quite an interesting feat.  Feeding them water rich things like watermelon, blueberries and extra water results in a rainbow of poo colors and consistency - these are things you don't read about in the "what to expect when you get chickens" web articles.  If you've ever had a toddler that you fed new foods to and  the next  poopy diaper was quite a shock - yeah - try that times six.  Fun times I tell ya, fun times!
Ten:  I have recently joined Blog Lovin' and would love some suggestions for favorite blogs you follow - I have searched random things I like just to see what's out there, but I would love to hear some of the blogs you love and read often! 
Have a Terrific Tuesday!

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