Thursday, December 1, 2011

Twenty Six Days

It's been a while since I've posted...and it's not for lack of trying or lack of material to blog about, trust's just crazy busy 'round these parts getting ready for the guessed it ~ in twenty six days. We've kinda kept the details of our event under wraps, not to be secretive necessarily, but just private.  And we'll continue to do that.  Just because it's the way we want it, no big production, just RC and I exchanging vows and beginning our life together with some of our closest friends and immediate family.

Recently I shared a letter with RC that I wrote LAST November that began with "Okay, if I could just straight up talk to you without fear of rejection…this is what I would say"  I never planned to mail it or give it to him, just needed to get my thoughts out...In it I discussed how I felt that the Lord had a plan for us to cross paths and I that I was open to whatever He had in mind.  I also told him how much I enjoyed his company and was indeed interested in seeing what the Lord's plans were if RC was also interested.  Funny thing is...I never gave the letter to him, but the Lord prompted me to share almost the exact words I wrote a few months later when at a crossroads of sorts where I let RC know without question how I felt and left the next step up to him.  I hadn't remembered the wording of the letter, but upon rereading it later, I was amazed at the confirmation I felt that God's hand had been guiding me to that very point.  A couple of looooong months went by without much contact other than a dinner or two before RC came to the beach in July to talk and pray with me about us making the decision to be in a relationship.  He proposed to me two months later and we'll be married this month.  Really? I mean, seriously??  God is THAT big.  I am so in awe of the way He has transformed my heart and filled it to overflowing with love for RC...more than I even understand.  Ephesians 3:20-21 is a favorite verse of RC's and pretty much sums up how I feel about the blessings God has poured out on us as a couple.  I can't ever imagine feeling so unconditionally loved and cherished ever before in my life.  It's quite remarkable the freedom that comes with that feeling and I can't tell RC often enough how much I love him, even though those words themselves seem inadequate.  I know that's a seriously mushy statement that may make you wanna hurl, but it doesn't change the fact that it's how I feel.  And I want to shout it from the rooftops that my God has so richly blessed me beyond what I could even imagine...and that He loves YOU that much too.  Maybe He'll show it to you in a different form, I don't know...but I know that He will do great works in your life if you let Him, if you pray, if you trust in Him and serve Him...It really is an amazing feeling to feel the tangible works of God.

I am so very excited that in twenty six short days, I'll be married to the man of my dreams, be given a second opportunity to be a wife in my short life and begin a married life that is focused on Him first.  I am so very blessed and grateful for God's grace, love and mercy...I just can't thank Him enough.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thank You...

This past Sunday I went to NRCC with RC and the pastor shared about being grateful, saying thank you and meaning it!  Click here and select "2 Words that Can Change Everything" to hear the sermon yourself.  You'll be blessed for sure!

From Arthur's sermon...5 Gratitude Observations:
  1. True gratitude is seen and heard
  2. Gratitude prolongs joy and blessing in your life
  3. Gratitude begins where my sense of entitlement ends
  4. Grateful people can find a blessing, enlarge a blessing or create a blessing in any situation
  5. Gratitude will make you magnetic for the favor of God to follow your life.
I think the thing that stuck with me most was his statement that "Unexpressed gratitude is a lost opportunity to praise God"...It got me thinking about how many times have I missed that opportunity...not only missing a chance to praise the Lord, but also I could've blessed someone in my life in the process as well by taking time to share a heartfelt thank you.  I remember when I was younger, my dad used to drive me crazy saying "praise the Lord" for EVERYTHING.  Even when his car got stolen from his office...when he walked out the door and realized it was gone...he shouted..."praise the Lord, someone took my car"...Now it wasn't because he wanted the car stolen, of course, but rather we are instructed to praise God in ALL situations, in all phases of life, no matter the circumstance.  I always kinda thought he was nuts, but he made such an impact on those around him with that attitude that I still hear people telling me stories about him 15 years after his death. 

I have so much to be thankful for in my life.  and I don't want to be someone who can't find a blessing, has such a bad attitude I can't receive a blessing or can't reach out and bless someone...While my life has hardly gone as I would've thought it would, I have so many people in my life that are a regular blessing in my life and I am going to make sure I let them know that. 

I don't know who wanders by my blog on a regular basis and if you've stumbled here for the first time, welcome!  I thank each and every person who reads this is a great outlet for me to share the blessing in my life!

I leave you with this...Who do YOU need to thank for something they have done for you????  Take time to do that today!

I heard this song at NRCC this weekend as well...It's not necessarily related to this post, but I want to share it anyway, because it was a blessing to me and it just might be what you need to hear today!  Click the link below to hear it!!! Blessings to you! S

Give Me Faith

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Peru - Post Five

This is my last post about my Peru trip.  But the prayers and thoughts for these precious people are still strong in my heart.  The top two set of pictures are just random shots from the Bellavista neighborhood. I am so blessed and fortunate and have taken so much for granted and this trip has truly been an eye opener. 

This group of precious folks made our work in Peru so much easier.  Each member of the church, each host, each translator helped us do God's work in our communities.  My experiences were greater and more of a blessing because God was able to use them!

This last group of pictures are just some random shots from the week from mine and Randy's groups and the areas we worked in.  I hope you have enjoyed looking through these posts...I have certainly enjoyed sharing these wonderful faces and places with you!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Peru - Part Four

Thank the Lord that RC is feeling better and is back to work as of yesterday!  We were able to share with my church on Sunday about our trip and it was such a blessing to hear him share his heart and love for the people of Peru!

We spent Wednesday and Thursday doing discipleship with some of the families and getting to know them better, praying for them and working through some of their questions as new believers.  This top picture are the families I have committed to pray for specific needs they shared and for their families and communities.  They are all so special to me and I am so blessed to have been able to spend time with them!

 This picture makes me want to sing Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red, brown, yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world...Each of these children represent a mom, dad, sister, brother, child of God who need our prayer and love...I hope you will join me in lifting them us as Children of OUR God!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Peru - Part Three

Before I type this post, I want to ask for prayer for RC...He has had a fever since Sunday and they are not quite sure what is going on with him.  He has been tested for strep and had some blood work done to determine if he picked up something while we were in Peru or just what may be going on.  His throat is very swollen and the doctors are very concerned about that...he will require a CT scan if it is not feeling better tomorrow after a shot, some antibiotics and steroids.  He's feeling pretty yucky and I'm feeling pretty helpless and can't be around him and I absolutely hate it!  Thanks for lifting him up! S <3

Monday was our first day at the mission site, Bellavista.  On our way into the neighborhood, we stopped alongside the road, got out of our mototaxis and shook hands with a group of men and were introduced by Pastor Farfan.  I didn't know until we got back into the mototaxi that they were the gang leaders who 'run' that neighborhood and we were stopping to ask their permission to be in 'their' neighborhood. about culture shock!  Our God is SO big though that one of these men actually brought his kids on the last meeting COOL is that?!?!?!

The first set of pictures are from the neighborhood where we started our campaign and then from Oscar's house, our chef and host for the week.  The top left picture is the bathroom at our host house - it was something else....It did have a commode in it, but it was just covering a hole in the ground, no running water in it and the shower was in there too, which was buckets of water to rinse with.  I just can't describe the smell.  So I won't...I'll just move on!  Oscar and his family share this home with his wife Esmerelda's sister and her family and their mother, but are building a very nice home that I'll show in a later post.  They 'have' a doesn't have a name, nor is it really like a pet...but it 'lives' at their house, according to Oscar. 

Lunchtime was a long event, since there is a meal and then a siesta time everyday...and as you can see, Omar took great advantage of that down time :)

Monday also brought our first nightly meeting for the people we had made contact with that day.  They could come to learn more about God, interact with other new believers and those from the church as well as bring their kids to learn and have some fun!  Hearing these precious children singing Jesus Loves Me in spanish and singing songs I didn't know that my translator Noemi taught them...oh my it just makes your heart melt!!  They were a great group of kids and we had a lot of fun coloring, singing and talking about the creation story!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Peru...Part Two

Sunday brought a wonderful day of baptism, church attending and fellowshipping with the nationals we would be working with throughout the week.  We took a looooong drive in a crowded taxi to the Chira River to do the baptism, however, I misunderstood that we weren't going to church that morning first and wore a knit dress that came to my ankles, not knowing I'd be wading out to waist deep in the river...yikes....not a good combination when a long knit dress gets wet and you have to walk along the river bank in the hottest sand I've ever set foot on....equatorial sun is no joke...I've never felt heat like that!!! 

The baptism was a joyous exciting to watch these new believers be baptized, professing their faith publicly and rejoicing in the Lord together!  My team leader, Ivan, assisted Pastor Farfan with the baptism and we all prayed together in the middle of the river...not too many chances in life to experience such a moving moment!

This first set of pictures show the church members carry plastic chairs across the river for the service, and the pastor and Ivan haring before the group waded into the river.   This was my first time to speak to the group and I was very nervous, but just shared that I was so happy to be there and be able to share in this wonderful event with them.  I love the picture of the whole group praying before the baptisms began...just touches my heart!!!

After the baptism, we had a time of fellowship and enjoyed some Peruvian food, well the ones I could eat that is...two salads were offered that looked REALLY good, but I wasn't allowed to have fresh veggies because they are washed in the water we can't drink...I was SO happy to have salad and veggies when I got home.  Got to taste some purple corn juice that was interesting, similar to grape juice is the closest thing I can compare it to, but the flavor was just different...I don't really know how to describe it.  We also celebrated a birthday of one of the young mean by praying and singing for him and then having birthday cake...YUM!  Enjoyed some bubble blowing with some of the younger kids and even entertained a stray  It was a wonderful afternoon!  It was such a blessing to begin to get to know some of the sweet folks from the church and interact with their families!!!

Later in the day on Sunday we went to Pastor Farfan's church to have their church service and I was aked to help lead their praise and worship time with "How Great Thou Art" and "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus"...Thankfully I knew them both!  I sang with the Pastor and we alternated singing the verses in our native tongues and then singing the choruses was an experience I'll never forget to look out into that congregation and see them worshipping the Lord no matter the language barrier!  I was so impressed with the keyboardist for the church and got to serve with him at the mission site later in the week...what a great man of faith he was!  I didn't know any of the other songs they sang, but hummed along and clapped the best I was just amazing to be able to worship 3000 miles from home and feel the presence of the Lord!!!  We also had a baby dedication for two sweet babies...what a blessing to see these young parents promising to raise their children in a Christian home!

This last picture is taken from the middle of the Chira River, waist deep in water...just taking a moment to realize that God had placed me 3000 miles form home, in a river, taking pictures of a baptism of ten people I'd never met before, who speak a language I don't know and I was so humbled to be there, tears running down my face, in awe of God's creation and His faithfulness in my life...our God is SO big and knows just how to remind us that HE is in control and when we follow His prompting, we will be blessed...sometimes in simple ways, sometimes in big ways...but no matter what - God wants us to know that He is alive and working through His people...we just need to step out in faith and be willing to be used!

I will work on the next day soon...until then, blessings to you and your family!  S :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Welcoming a New Pumpkin to the Patch

While I am working on my second post about Peru...I took a break and worked on some photos from a baby shower that my sister hosted this past weekend for a dear friend of ours, Deven.  I already care for her two other children, Peyton and Haila and we've know Deven for years.  I am so thankful for the Lord's hand in Deven's life, for the work He has done in beginning to restore her marriage and the blessing this new baby will be to all of us.  Little Kendyl Grace will be welcomed to the world in early December and I pray that God will continue to work in and through Deven and Erik to be wonderful parents to this child!  God can take the messiest of messes, the biggest bad decisions and the simply stupid things we do and use them for His purpose to do His will, and I am fully trusting that He will be able to do that in their lives!

My sister LOVES to host a party, to decorate and to cook yummy food...and this event was no exception.  Here's a sampling of the  decoration and food we had...

Here's a shot of the mom to be...looking great for only having a few weeks left!!!

Everyone had a great time, enjoyed the yummy food and wonderful fellowship!

My favorite gifts of the day included some personalized items that my sister got for little Kendyl and a super cute pair of bear slippers from Kendyl's grandmother....lots of cute clothes and some necessities too!

Peru...Part One

As most of you know I traveled to Peru for my first mission trip two weeks ago...It's really hard to believe that I've been home for a week already.  So much happened while I was there....watching God move in those sweet people's lives was simply amazing.  Stepping out of my comfort zone and knocking on doors and sharing about Jesus was a blessing...and one I'll not take lightly from now on.  We ARE called to share the good news - even if it makes us uncomfortable, especially if it does.  You don't have to go to Peru to do that of course!  Your neighbor, your co-workers, your they see Christ in you?  Are you being a witness for Him?  I know I haven't been...and I am praying that God will use me and my experiences in 37 years to show others how BIG our God is and how much He loves them!!!

Here's a couple of collages of random pics from the first 2 days....

Our travels began in Charlotte on Friday and we arrived in Lima, Peru on Saturday morning and rode a 'bus', which was actually a really, really old Toyota van, to  Sullana...The other pictures are of our hotel and was all very nice. 

These pictures are my first impressions of Peru...dry, dusty and unlike anything I've ever seen before...

One of the pastors that the teams had worked with before got married the Saturday we arrived and we attended the wedding.  Below are pictures of Randy and I (isn't he just too handsome all dressed up? I'm biased...I can't help it, but he does clean up quite well!) The group of girls are, from left, Katie (translator, originally from Indiana, but now lives in Peru), Noemi (translator for my team leader, Ivan and my helper/translator at the evening meetings with the kids), Edith (translator), Sarah (from NRCC - super sweet student and served on Randy's team), Jenna (another great student from NRCC - very quiet, but Randy said she did a great job at the mission site!) and then me, of course

The men from left are Carlos (translator), Randy, Ivan (my team leader), Chuck (NRCC keyboardist, photographer and new friend) Omar (my translator - bless his heart...he had to put up with a lot!) Dan (Pastor at NRCC and our group leader) and Danny (Dan's translator)

The newlyweds are in the bottom right and check out that multiple layered cake they was something else!

I will share more later today hopefully...trying to get caught up and still take care of the kiddos!!! Blessings, S

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday Moments

RC and I are spending a great amount of time praying, planning and preparing for the mission trip we are a part of that leaves this Friday for 8 days as well as our quickly approaching wedding day and I am constantly being reminded that God is so involved with our lives that it's just SO humbling. Yesterday morning at church we spent some time in special prayer for our trip and my church family laid hands on me and prayed for me and encouraged so much just by being committed to praying for us while we are gone, for the lives of the people we will meet and for our travels, safety and health.

I just don't even have the words to explain what is going on in my mind and heart these days. The simple fact that I am going into another country to share about Jesus with people who may or may not ever have heard the name God...just is overwhelming! God has my back and I'm completely NOT concerned that He is big enough to take little ol' me and do GREAT things in Peru. Not at all. Even with faith as small as that little mustard seed...what a wondrous thing takes place when it's cultivated and grown in faith, grace and love! I am very much looking forward to working with the children at the nightly meetings where I can interact, color, sing and just hang out and get to know them...I think it's going to be amazing to see the language barrier, the skin color, the culture shock for me, just melt away and God uses us for HIS purpose to go and tell others about Him. I'd be lying if I didn't share that the questions have floated through my mind..."who am I" to think I can go anywhwere and share about Jesus? I feel like such a novice and I've been in church my whole life. But I am trusting in the Lord to take that fear and concern and doubt away as he prepares my mouth to say and the people of Peru's ears to listen as I share the story of our Savior!

We were out and about in SC yesterday looking at wedding sites and just spending time together and I took this shot of the sunset over Lake Wylie.   We are scouting out places for an outdoor wedding in December, which sounds crazy, but we are having a simple ceremony and would love to have it by the lake...How could you not with a view like this???

Monday, September 26, 2011

Not Me Monday

Mckmama- Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It is NOT me who is leaving for Peru in 11 days and hasn't even begun to pack, think about packing or really contemplate packing...I would NEVER procrastinate about my first international trip how.

It is NOT me who, while getting the kids down from the lunch table, go, in a rare by myself moment, to the restroom to find that one of the kids, most likely my mischievous 2 year old had gotten soap all over counter, removed the decorative items from the back of the commode and put my hand towel in the bath tub at some point this morning and I never realized he was'd think it was Monday or something and surely no 2 year old should ever be unsupervised, right?

I was definitely NOT me that just ate two waffles from the freezor (heated in the toaster, not frozen at least) because I was too lazy to make lunch for myself.  I would most certainly eat better, knowing I'm going to traveling in 11 days and getting married in a few weeks and want to look and feel my best.

It is NOT me that realized, when looking for fall decorations to put out THIS year, that I never actually took them downstairs from LAST year and that they were in the corner of my bedroom with a tub of Christmas decorations on top of them that I never put away either..I mean seriously?  Who does that?  *ahem* certainly not me

It is for sure NOT me that realized that the list of things I needed to do before the wedding that I mentioned in my LAST "not me" post has since been misplaced and surely not had any items completed, I mean it's only like 12 weeks til the big...not like it's coming up soon or anything...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Not Me Monday

Mckmama- Not Me Monday

In an effort to admit (and remind myself) that I am indeed not perfect and that I *gasp* sometimes say and do things that are not rational, "normal" or should be repeated, but hey...whaddya gonna do?  I am linking up with MckMama for her return of the Not Me Monday post.....

I did NOT stay out AGAIN til 1am last night "saying goodbye" to my new fiance when I should've been in bed since my day starts at 6am and it's a hour drive home

I did NOT just realize this morning that in the next 14 weeks, I will be going on my first mission trip ever to another country, getting married for the second time, living with someone for the first time in MANY years and start my "to do" list for the things I want to complete before I get married...I'm tired just thinking about it and certainly wouldn't procrastinate until it's panic time to get everything, not me!

I did NOT scream, use my outside voice or otherwise inappropriate tone to gently remind my two year old that we don't play cars in the commode...I mean seriously...who should be watching this kid?!?!?  I am a professional child care provider for crying out loud...

I did NOT put off Wal-Mart shopping this weekend in lieu of one more day to eat out the fridge and pantry so that I could spend a little bit more cuddling and kissing quality time with my fiance yesterday....I would NEVER do that, not ME!

I did NOT just sit down to finish this post and tell the kids, give Nannie ONE more minute to post this...NOT ME!!!

I did NOT just say to my 3 year old boy, "no I really don't think it would be funny if someone pooped on my head" I mean, really, who utters such words in their everyday life!

I totally did NOT forget to link back to MckMama's blog as the directions said...sheesh...certainly not ME!

URGH!  I did NOT go back to reread the directions and realize that I had not copied and pasted the correct information to link up to MckMama's site...sheesh...maybe I should quit while I am third time's the charm!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

He asked...and I said YES!!!!

What a whirlwind of a weekend it has been...I need to catch up on some old postings...but wanted to share the great news that RC and I are ENGAGED...God is SO good and knew my heart and guided our paths in just such a way that I would be married to a Godly, loving and passionate man! I am SO blessed!  Here are a few pictures from the proposal!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Random Ramblings

I had two interesting conversations, one with a church friend and one with RC last night and both are still rolling around in my head this morning after not the greatest night of sleep I've ever had.  It's been a busy week and I'm looking forward to the weekend and spending some time with RC (of course) and just taking a breath.  Hard to believe that we are going to celebrate another 5th birthday in my daycare group this weekend as well...when they come as babies it seems like kindergarten is so far away, but then you blink and there it is.  While it's bittersweet to lose another sweet child to school, it's a great feeling to have had five years to (hopefully) make an impression on the child and their family.  God has been so good to me!

Back to the conversations...both ironically were overall about the same thing and the recurring theme of my blog posts recently.  Change. And new opportunities.  And being aware of time limitations and priorities.  Peru is in 6 short weeks and I am getting excited, nervous and maybe a little bit scared of feeling prepared, being at peace and trusting the Lord to put the right words in my mouth and guide me along every step of the way.  Which I know He will.  I just have to get out of the way.

RC and I have talked off and on about the changes the future will hold for us together.  And some of them are pretty big.  Okay, some of them are REALLY big.  But oddly enough, most days I'm not overly concerned about them.  I have such a peace about the Lord's hand in our relationship and all the prayers that have been offered up by us and for us.  I am trying my darnedest (is that a word? hmm, well, if not, it's gonna be for right now) to submit to the Lord and trust Him to lead, guide and direct us.  He loves me more than I can imagine and put RC and I together at a place in our lives where we can truly appreciate each other and learn from some of the mistakes and life lessons from our past and enjoy a loving, God filled relationship while trusting in God to iron out the details.  I still worry sometimes about the details, of course, and I don't want to make mistakes in this relationship, although I know I will, but I am so happy, so excited and so full of peace - it's overshadowing the doubts and concerns by a landslide!  I am also trusting RC to lead as I know he can and will, if I will acknowledge the Lord's desire in his heart to be a loving, caring mate to me and submit to that.  And I am actually looking forward to that.  I have prayed so long for a loving, Christian man in my's just amazing what God has done to bless me!

Well I've rambled on for a bit, and do feel better about getting some of those feelings out, so I'm gonna stop.  And enjoy my Friday...and I pray all those who pass by here will as well!


Friday, August 12, 2011

This Song is Just...Wow...

Commission My Soul - click here to listen

Prayer, Preparation and Planning

Life for me has forever changed in so many ways recently and I just can't hardly wrap my head around it.  I am very fortunate to have so many people in my life to love and support me in all that I do and want to see what is best for me in the coming weeks, months and years. 

With every change in life, it would be nice to have a time for preparation and planning.  That's not always the case since sometimes we get thrown in the deep end and gotta start swimming right away.  Luckily none of the things in my life feel that way right now.  Which is so exciting and nervewracking at the same time.  You see, I am a first class procrastinator and don't always plan ahead, actually hardly ever plan ahead if I'm honest, and prepare for things I know are headed my way.  However...I am praying that God will guide me to make some changes now that will affect the future in positive ways like less stress and smooth transition into the next exciting phase of my life.

From things as simple as decluttering my home to more time consuming items like paying off some debt and making house repairs - there are plenty of things to be focused on.  I know that the Lord will make my path straight.  Of this I'm certain.  I just need to be in prayer and be preparing my heart and mind for what lies ahead and make my life a no freak out zone...not that I would ever procrastinate to the point of freaking out at the last minute or anything.  Ahem...anyway - I am very much excited about all of the things that lie ahead, some big, some small, some life changing, some just letting go of things that the Lord is guiding me away from.

I know that the Lord knows and loves me right where I'm at, and that it is His desire to see me learn, grow and go out and share His story.  I am trying to keep the focus on that.  Praying for His guidance in preparing for this mission trip and settling my heart and mind and focusing my attention to the important task of preparing my heart in the next seven weeks to reach out to the people in Sullana and minister to them.

I pray blessings on all who have passed by this post and hope that you will take time to pray as well for the plan God has for YOU in your life!


Monday, August 8, 2011


I went this morning to get my immunizations for international travel so that I can participate in the mission trip to Peru in October.  Not a fan of needles by any stretch of the imagination, nor a fan of taking the kids with me to places with lots of people and small rooms to be confined in, I was not looking forward to this 8:15am appointment.  But it had to be done, so I pulled my big girl panties up and off we went.  To be honest the consultation was much worse than the shots...the what if's, the you may feel this, all of that...was a little overwheleming.  But the three shots were not that bad.  But they did indeed hurt.  While complaining to RC, he reminded me...Three needles hurt a lot less than three nails.  Ouch.  Talk about perspective.  I will now quit whining.  And be thankful for the opportunity to go and spread the good news about Jesus in Peru. 

Have a great day,

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Overwhelmed, Unprepared and Couldn't be Happier

Ok, taking into account that this a cell phone picture and obviously not the best quality photo every posted on my blog...the picture does accurately display exactly what I am feeling. 

I am overwhelmed with everything going on in my life right now.  From preparation for the mission trip to house cleaning to yard sales to my job and the list goes on. *sigh* I am unprepared to deal with it all and not sure where exactly to start to make a dent in all the little things that became big things and now are snowballing...*sigh again*.

However. I couldn't be happier!  The smile on my face over there <------------ face hurts from smiling so much these days.  The Lord has so richly blessed me, and I just can't quite wrap my brain around it all.  Big changes are ahead for many areas and I am praying for the Lord's guidance in ALL of it.  I am reminded of my favorite verse - Philippians 4:13 - I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me!  I am standing on that promise and holding on for dear life as this ride called my life in chugging right along. 

Blessings to you all,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Do You Ever Think in Fast Forward?

I know I do!  I want to know where things are headed, know the outcome of situations, know that everything is going to turn out okay in the end, so I try to think ahead, analyze and OVER analyze, and generally just lose ALL perspective, becoming very narrowly focused and perhaps even somewhat obsessive. And that's not always the best thing never a good idea.

I don't think I do these things because I'm not happy where I'm at during that point in time.  I think part of it is patience, in which I often have a short supply and being SO used to everything being up in the air and inconsistent and unsure, that I don't really know how to act when the Lord is in control of something and I need not worry.  The latter is where I am right now...I have so many great things going on in my life right now, and I am very blessed.  But because of the great things...there are some BIG things that can be great, probably will be great, but will require some hard work, time management and discipline.  I pretty much suck at all of those.  That may be a little dramatic, but the point is still the same.  I am struggling with keeping focused on the steps in the process, enjoying God's blessings and not trying to think too far ahead.

The bible verse I am focusing on today is how I am going to end this post that I've been drafting for two says it ALL.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 New International Version (NIV)9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Praying for all of those who pass by my blog.  Blessings to you all!


Monday, July 25, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over

In Psalm 23:5 (the whole book of Psalm 23 is pretty awesome by the way) but I digress...Psalm 23:5 says .."You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows"

This analogy is in my heart and my mind today after a simply fantastic weekend with RC.  My "cup" is not only full, it is full to the point of overflowing.  It can't be contained.  It's spilling over the edge and I am having a hard time grasping ALL that the Lord has planned for us, for me and just in general in the coming days, weeks, months and years.

God's hand in my life is SO evident right now...more than I can ever remember in my adult years.  I don't have all the answers, am still a sinner saved by grace through faith and will make mistakes in the future.  It just is the way it is.  But...I am very much focused on serving God, placing my trust in Him to help lead, guide and protect me in all that I do.  I think that RC is part of the equation as far as that's concerned, but I also think that the desire I have to serve the Lord, to be committed to the relationship with HIM first...that's SO much more important than anything I could ever give or receive from RC...and it should be that way.  Our individual relationships with God should be first.  It's just one of the things that attracts me SO much to RC.  He is a Godly, loving man who isn't afraid to share what's on His heart.  You can just see God working in and through him, and it's exciting, amazing and just plain COOL!

I know I'm excited and overwhelmed and just giddy because of the newness of our relationship.  But I also know that it is because we have both prayed over this, sought counsel from friends/pastors/family and neither made the decision lightly to enter into a relationship with each other.  It's amazing the peace I have about all of it.  The changes, BIG changes, that may come because of what my future may hold.  It's scary, of course it is.  But I have a peace that, at least for the moment, is keeping me from freaking out.  And I'm grasping ahold of that and praying for the rest.  I am blessed beyond belief to be sharing this time with RC and am very much aware that God's timing, guidance and encouragement brought us together and I want to be prayerfully lifting up EVERY aspect of our relationship...I want to make sure that I am keeping my focus on God's plans and not my own, no matter how excited I am.

My cup is full to overflowing, running over without ceasing.  And I wouldn't want it any other way.



What DOES it mean to be a Daughter of THE King?

Psalm 45 references the daughter of the king.  Have you read that verse? I probably have too at some point and I've heard the phrase many times, but thinking today about what it means...The passage talks about the king's daughters who were honorable people...among many other things, but think about this in a greater sense.  Being a daughter of THE King?  That's as noble, honorable, blessed as you can get kind of stuff.  He loves me THAT much.  When RC tells me that I am a beautiful daughter of THE King, a's really a wonderful compliment, reminder and encouragement that God has plans for me...little ol' me...and I want to be obedient, patient and honoring in that since He does think of me that way.  I have to realize that in His eyes I am HIS...He is jealous for ME...and that's no small thing...

My pastor directed me towards Romans 8 which also discusses being His child, His daughter, His son.

Romans 8:14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. 15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

Adoption to sonship? To 'daughter'ship?  How HUGE is that?  v16 says the Spirit HIMSELF testifies with our spirit that we ARE God's children...and THEN it goes on to say we are HEIRS....of GOD...ummmm, seriously? 

Have you heard this song?
Hold Me

My favorite line in the whole song..."I love You more than the words in my brain can express" Think about much we love God.  It doesn't even BEGIN to touch how much He loves us.  Considers us HIS child.  HIS son. HIS daughter.

My heart is full to overflowing and part of it is RC...part of it is a renewed commitment to serve God where He leads.  Take steps of faith.  Big ones. Little ones.  Just trusting Him. 

I don't know that I can fully grasp the concept of being a daughter of the King.  It's just too big.  It's overwhelming. But I know He died for ME and for YOU.  It's so simple, but SO powerful.  He Love Us.  Period.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Leading, Following and Getting out of the Way

Do you remember the old bumper sticker that says Lead, Follow or Get out of My Way?  I have had that thought in my head for a couple of days and thought I'd try to formulate some coherent thoughts about it in a post. 

Lead(ing) I have been and still am in many ways a leader.  I lead my children everyday in various activities, I lead my four legged children by their leashes, I lead the praise band by making song selections and playing the main get the idea.  I also recognize that to be a leader, I must be a follower.  First and foremost a follower of Jesus.  Which I don't always excel at, but I am becoming more and more aware of on a daily basis.  But also following the leadership of those in ministry around me, the relationship leadership of a strongly valued Christian boyfriend and following the path that I am seeing laid out before me.  I have to get out of the way in order for this to be possible!

Does that make crystal clear sense to you like it does me?  It seems fairly simple.  In order to be an effective leader, a Christian example that is able to do His work through the gifts, talents and opportunities I am given, I must first be a follower who is willing to put self aside and get out of my own way in order to grow spiritually and thrive.  Well if it's so simple, why am I not doing it?  Yeah, I'm puzzled by that too.  But I know that I'm saved by grace and thank goodness for that, because it means He loves me anyway even when I don't get it right.

I am stepping out in faith towards a big decision in my future and I am praying hard about it and that I am not only making the right decision, but also preparing my heart for what lies ahead.  To be a leader, a follower and getting the heck out of my own way.  I am off to do some prayer and bible study time while my kids nap...but I wanted to throw out these random thoughts in hope that they might encourage someone and so that I can see it in black and white for myself.

My prayer for today....Lord, help me be an effective leader, following YOU and those around me that are called to impact my life and help me get out of the way so that YOU may do YOUR work in and through me! Amen

Blessings to all who have stumbled upon this post!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Guidance, Preparation and Submission

Whew...that's a big title...however it is very fitting for where I am this morning.  Over the last year or so, I have had time to reflect, grow and learn more about myself.  But that's where I'm 'stuck' now...for lack of a better term.  I have such a flood of emotions on my heart and mind right now and I'm a little overwhelmed, I'll be honest.  I know that God is with me and I am not fearful of the future, but am focusing rather on praying for guidance and preparing my heart for what God's plan is...ohhhh how simple that sounds!  But submission to God's plan isn't always that easy, right?

Feeling undeserving of God's blessings, unprepared to use what I know (and what I don't) to make a difference in someone else's life is doubt that I know doesn't come from Him.  I found the verse this morning in Matthew 28:16-20 (The Message Bible versions shown here) that says....

16-17Meanwhile, the eleven disciples were on their way to Galilee, headed for the mountain Jesus had set for their reunion. The moment they saw him they worshiped him. Some, though, held back, not sure about worship, about risking themselves totally.
18-20Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: "God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age."

I am praying about taking my first mission trip in October with RC and a group from his church.  I have often thought about participating in a mission trip - and haven't had the actual opportunity to do it yet.  Now that the chance is here, I find myself kinda scared and filled with doubt if I would actually be prepared and able to be a vessel to deliver God's word in Peru.  Matthew 28 tells me that God is with me...and I know my heart lagging a bit.  I want to participate for the right reasons and because God has called to do it, not just because RC would be there and it would be amazing to share that with him.  But I don't think I need to separate that from it either, because that IS part of the reason why THIS opportunity is a big decision!  The desire of my heart is follow HIM where HE leads...and I've been feeling a little like a bystander in my life for a while...and I really feel the pull to make some changes and STEP OUT IN FAITH. emotions are all over the place and this post reads a little like a mess...but if you take anything away from this...I pray it is this...

Prayer is NEVER a bad thing....even if you aren't sure exactly what you are praying for!  God is always there for us.  Even if we're a big ol' mess.  He loves us THAT much!  I just heard this song while I was listening to the radio online...and I just HAD to share it...I could've written's timing...whew!  Give it a listen! There is an annoying commercial at the beginning, but this is a great video!

You Love Me Anyway by Sidewalk Prophets

With that....I'm off to enjoy the last day of my vacation. Blessings to you and your family!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Update - Praise Report - Prayer Requests

WOW...I haven't blogged since May?  Seriously?  I'm not sure how that happened, except for life has been nuts!  I will update my pictures soon and get caught up somewhat on my Project 365, but right now I want to share what is going on with me lately.

I am so very blessed that I hardly know where to start!  I have been very busy in the last few months, still enjoying some dinner dates with a friend (who used to be bachelor #1 for those paying attention - God blessed us both with a great friendship and I couldn't be happier about that) and actually spent some time with a new friend and enjoyed getting to know him and gaining yet another great friend in the process!

But the biggest praise and actually the biggest prayer request is for my new relationship with a wonderful man that I'll call RC on here.  I've actually known him all my life and reconnected with him on Facebook last year on our old church's page.  Little by little the Lord began to show me that He had other plans in mind for RC and I, and I proceeded slowly since our families are such close friends and we hadn't seen each other in many years.  Through many twists and turns we have hung out on several occasions either at supper or at his church (he is quite a talented musician) and I finally felt the Lord's prompting to share my feelings with RC back in the spring...a BIG step for me!!!  My Boundaries girls and close friends have been praying this situation up for months and the Lord has also been 'working' on RC too...loooooong story short...we have made the decision to give this relationship to the Lord and follow His guidance as we go forward and I couldn't be happier.  I feel SO very blessed and am thanking God for bringing us together and if you feel led...please pray for us...we would definitely appreciate it!

I am finishing up a 2 week stay at the campground and while I'm sad about going home, I have SO many things I am excited about (and I'll share more later about) that I'll kinda be glad to get home and get on with it! :)

I pray blessings on all who read my posts and hope you will let me know if you have specific requests that I can pray for as well.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Random Shots from the last month or so...keeping caught up with my Project 365...sort of :)  Enjoy!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wonderful Weekend!

I was very fortunate to spend some time at the campground for the long Easter weekend with my sister Jennifer and my good friend Deven.  We spent our first day with breakfast at Cracker Barrel, wandering around B and B Antique Mall and then supper at *gasp* a seafood restaurant (read my Yelp review for my take on that and for my thoughts on the antique mall - see box on the right of my  Below we donned some crazy hair visors, checked out some really cool booths and Deven even rode some kind of a toy...Despite the rainy, dreary was great fun!

On Saturday, we sat in the sun (TOO long without proper sunscreen - ouch!) and then took a trip to a Thai restaurant in Myrtle Beach that I found on yelp was really quite good!  Seriously you should try Yelp!  It's really great!  We had appetizers of chicken satay and spring rolls with a delicious sweet and sour sauce followed by entrees of Pad thai, Chicken Fried Rice and Red Curry with Chicken.  Didn't try any desserts at this restaurant - maybe next time!

On Easter Sunday morning I got up early to go the sunrise service on the beach - by far my favorite day on the beach!  What a wonderful sight to see the sun come up over the water while hearing the story of Jesus' ressurection from the grave!  He is risen, just as He said!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trying to Understand

Sometimes in life we really do have to accept the things we can't change, whether that be in relationships or circumstances or other things around us that affect like work or family situations.  I tend to dwell on things that I can't change just for the sake of making myself crazy I think.  It's not helpful, I can't take care of anyone but myself and I know this logically, but tell that to my heart and emotions 'cause I don't think they are listening.

I truly want to understand where people are coming from, what makes them the way they are, and really have a genuine relationship with them and sometimes that just causes me to be so wrapped up in a situation that I have no perspective...dang there's that word again, thanks LL, you can come up with a new word for me now, like, seriously! I am struggling this week, well have been for a little while, about balance and maintaining what I need to and moving on from what I don't and paying attention to the Lord's prompting in these areas so that I actually know the difference.

I'm trying to understand where I am at, right now, at this point in my life.  I am sure as a young child, even as an young adult, I envisioned things so much differently for myself.  I never had the dream to be married, divorced and not having had the chance to become a mom at age 37, but that is the path my life has taken and I'm still wandering around along the way trying to figure out what God's plan for me is.  I don't think it's too late for me to make a difference in this life and I sincerely hope that I have someone to share that with.  And maybe I've put too much focus on that aspect of it.  Or maybe not.  Or maybe I've just made some bad choices and now I need to make some good ones.  Who knows.  But I know what I feel like is on my heart and I am going to try to follow God's will for my life...if only I could find the focus to sit still long enough to listen, but that's a whole other post!

Bottom line is this.  I am so very blessed to have the opportunities that I do in my life.  Seriously.  And I don't want to lose sight of that along the way.  So I'm going to keep moving forward, do my best to keep my eye on the plan that's His and not mine.  And I can only do that with prayer.  So that's the plan.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Food, Fun, Friends and Feelings

This post has some MORE of the food I've been able to enjoy this week...I'm seriously getting spoiled and not losing ANY weight while taking in some of these meals, but oh my goodness am I having fun...The first three pictures are from Macaroni Grill where I enjoyed a chicken and pasta dish (the 3rd pic if you're wondering) and catching up with a very dear friend of mine who I truly wish I got to see more often!  The last 7 pictures are from a local restaurant and one from one of my favorite chocolate shops...also very yummy!  I've been having so much fun the past few weeks expanding my taste buds and doing some new things with some new friends and even some I've know for many, many years!  I feel so blessed and just want to stay focused, with perspective as stated in my previous post - I need the reminder! and to remember that balance is my friend and all things have their own time in my life and I need to recognize when the time for some things is over and the path is wide open for new experiences and chapters in my life that can only take place when I let go and let God handle them!  How's that for a run-on sentence!?! Enjoy the pictures...interested in enjoying these meals yourself? Check out my yelp box on the review and the restaurant information is readily availble if you click the twitter box for my latest reviews!  Go on...enjoy yourself!

Tomato Bruchetta

Pollo Limone Rustica

Chicken marsala

Dark chocolate and key lime truffles from the Chocolatier

Fried Green Tomatoes with Cajun Crawfish Cream Sauce

Tomato Basil Soup

Filet Mignon at Union Street Bistro

Chicken in parmesan batter cooked with olive oil and white wine on fettucine alfredo
Mango Cheesecake at Union Street Bistro

Chocolate Cake again from Union Street Bistro

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Definition of perspective via google search:

a) A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view

b) True understanding of the relative importance of things; a sense of proportion

So my friend Lennie has been drilling into my head um, I mean, lovingly encouraging me to find perspective about some things in my life right now, and I know she really has my best interest at heart, I'm sure of it...I just don't have very good boundaries with my perspective, I'm afraid.  Meaning, I have perspective, I think, about things, but it is fleeting and flexible and not really doing me much good if I'm not really understanding the balance of things.

Multitasking is a required part of my life, for sure, with my job, my church involvement and my personal life! However, I really stink at it sometimes and I'm not afraid to say that I lose perspective of things when I get all gung-ho about something or a particular situation in my life.  I seem to lose interest, or am just too exhausted to keep up with all the day to day things and them I'm overwhelmed and then it's a big ol' cycle, etc etc...That's kinda where I am at right now.  I really have enjoyed all the fun things I've gotten to do over the last month or so, but I find myself falling further and further behind on cleaning, laundry, yard work and paperwork and there's gotta be some balance.  And there's my struggle...maintaining the balance and still feeling like I'm giving 100% to everyone or everything going on.

This week started out kinda weird, but has increasingly gotten better, and since it's been so busy I haven't had much time to even think much less make a dent in the 'I'm behind on this' list...but once our Easter drama is over this weekend, I'll be able to breathe a little bit better and be able to work back towards some kind of schedule.

I am SO blessed to have this problem...not of perspective, but of having SO many opportunities in my life to learn, grow, change and spread my wings.  I pray that I can keep my eyes ultimately focused on Him and keep that in perspective for sure!  I am thankful that my friend loves me enough to encourage me to seek perspective and I am praying that I can do just that.  I just may have to be reminded!

Blessings to all of you who stumble upon this post!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


There will be no 'topic' for this post because it's pure randomness, is...and I'm just going to list the randomness as follows...for the sake of getting it out and then moving on.

  1. This week is super crazy busy and I don't have even one night at home
  2. I have already had Vietnamese food, listened to jazz music and watched 'Key Largo' at the museum and that was just two evenings worth of fun
  3. Tonight I am eating dinner with someone I haven't seen in a while and I'm super excited
  4. This weekend is our Easter drama at church and we have like a bazillion practices between now and Sunday...okay not that many, but it sure feels like it
  5. I am super pumped about my haircut on Saturday because a) my hair definitely needs to be cut and b) it's time for some spring highlights to lighten things up around here and cover up some grey natural highlights. :)
  6. I am suprisingly at peace about a situation that has been stressing me out lately - and that's got to be God's doing!
  7. I am SO ready to go to the campground for Easter REALLY ready!
  8. I have been really focused on taking some pictures lately of food, fun and just random things and I am so thankful for the renewed feelings of my love for all things photography!
  9. I have tried some really great food in the last month or so and I'm so looking forward to continuing the trend and sharing some of my new favs with some friends soon!
  10. I am really loving Yelp! and I got chosen as a top yelper (in case you didn't read the previous post...check it out here
  11. I have the bestest friend in the world...seriously! and you can't have her!  She puts up with my babbling on and on and on (well, you get the idea) and I can't even imagine one day without her!
  12. Naptime today was a big ol' fat mess with two crying kids, one non napping toddler and frazzled tired nerves...whew!
  13. My favorite moment of the day....while riding home from mother's morning out today, Haila, one of my daycare kids, had to ride in the front seat with me since I had so many kids today (airbag turned off - don't worry)'s the conversation between me and Haila (4 yrs old) Me: Haila, put your feet down in front of you - if we have a crash you are going to fly right out of that booster seat  Haila: (without missing a beat) Nannie, I have an about let 's not have a crash............yep I think that might be a good idea...thanks for suggesting it :)
  14. I don't have a #14, but I didn't want to stop with 13, so there ya go...blessings, S

Check this out!

So I've mentioned that one of my newest obsessions is Yelp!, right? Well, I got chosen as a Top Yelper for the cool is that?  I have NO clue what the criteria is to be chosen, and don't really care all that much, but I still think it's pretty cool...check it out here...scroll down about mid way and see the section on top yelpers!  If you haven't joined the Yelp! party, you really should...look me up and we'll be Yelp friends too!  I'm really having a LOT of fun on this site!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Food and Friends

I got the chance to eat with some dear friends last night at the Vietnamese restaurant I had tried the week before in was a great time and some great food!  It's always more fun to eat with other couples and last night was no exception - I hope we can do it again soon!

Fresh Summer Roll - minute boiled shrimp, fresh mint, bean sprouts, lettuce and rice noodles in rice paper

Stir fried vermicelli with shrimp, beef, pork, checken and mixed veggies

Ginger stir fry

Stir freid vermicelli with chicken curry and mixed veggies

Curry sauce in coconut cream with lemon grass chili, white onion, potato, sweet potato and chicken - this was my dish and it was delicious!